What The Hell Is Going On?

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Unknown POV

The ends of my coat fluttered as the wind whooshed around me. It was getting dark with every passing second, only making my job harder, and the freezing cold up here wasn't helping. I rubbed my red tipped nose with the back of my leather covered hand, trying to get back some heat. Falling sick is one of the last things I need right now.

Pulling the coat lapels closer, I watched the street through the scope. It was still clear. "How far are they?" I asked, knowing very well that they could hear me. "Almost there, boss. They'll be entering from your 2 O'clock in 50 seconds." The voice rang in my ear through the ear piece.

"Okay. I'll give my signal when done." I readjusted myself on the floor of the 35-storey hotel's roof before manoeuvring my already set CheyTac Intervention sniper rifle to point at my 2 O'clock where now any moment my target would appear.

I watched through the scope of the rifle, as the all too familiar FBI car appeared. It drove down the street, with the muzzle of my rifle following its movement. Soon, the car stopped in front of the building diagonal to where I was stationed, making me smirk.

I took the safety off my rifle as I prepared myself to take the shot. This was a one-shot mission. I miss once, it's over. There are already too many possible witnesses and high risks involved. I'm just thankful to the darkness that is brought around by the setting of the day and the other flashy lights that come as perks of functioning in a major city like New York.

Two officers get off the vehicle before pulling out a handcuffed man from the backseat. I felt a mix of adrenaline, glee and satisfaction rush through my veins as I eyed my prey. Finally, the day has come when I end his pathetic life and take my revenge.

Once I had a clear head shot, I got ready to pull the trigger. I waited for the right angle and soon enough I pulled the trigger. In seconds, the bullet soundlessly and gracefully sliced through the night air before it hit its target right between the eyes.

For a split second, I allowed myself to enjoy the scene of him collapsing to the ground into a motionless heap, never to move ever again, before I focused on the last stage of the plan. With well-rehearsed movements from the frequency of how many times I had done this, I dismantled the rifle and placed the pieces back into the two cases. I shuffled back to my feet and started heading towards the terrace door.

"On my way down." I mumbled as I dusted the dust off my Burberry coat. "Yes sir." I ignored the reply as I jogged down the stairs to level 33, and casually walked to the elevators, with my head bowed down. Can't let the cameras see my handsome face.

I pressed the button and discreetly eyed the area to be sure there were no witnesses. If my calculations were right, it would take the FBI at least 10 minutes to put the hotel on lock down. After all, this is one of the few structures that provided the right vantage point and angle, to execute this assassination.

Once the elevator doors dinged open, I entered with my head still bowed down while a smirk played on my lips. Soon the doors closed and the elevator started it's descent. "Do it." I instructed once it crossed level 22.

"Boss, you've 98 seconds." Getting the confirmation, I climbed the handle bars on the sides of the elevator before pushing the escape hatch on the roof off and climbing up, on top of the elevator. After getting a good grip, as the elevator continued its descent. I anchored my legs on one of the loops before hanging upside down and pulling the rifle case, which I had dropped earlier, up with me.

On the top of the elevator, there was already a small bag, strapped in place. I opened the bag and took out the replica of the jumper used by the hotel's plumber. "One minute to go, boss" I removed my jacket and stuffed it inside the bag before pulling on the jumper over my dress pant and shirt. Then I proceeded to put on the white wig and beard. I flailed around when I lost grip on my fake beard and it almost flew away.

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