What About Them?

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So this update wasn't supposed to happen so soon. But it happened because, high school is finally over, I'm happy and it's my birthday today! I finally turned 18, I'm a legal adult now. Yay!

Now, I can drive.

I can vote.

I can watch horror movies in theaters

I can do so much more!

Enjoy the chapter.



This guy clearly isn't Alexander. Alex doesn't wear three piece suite. Alex has dark blonde hair not light brown hair and he has dark blue eyes not greenish blue ones.

And why is this stranger pretending to be my boyfriend and acting so comfortable in my house!? Wait, why is there a check/cheque in dad's hand?

What the fück is going on in here?!

"Wh-" I was about to ask who the stranger was but mom cuts me off

"Why did you hide such a gentleman from us, young lady?" Mom asked as she walked in announcing my arrival to the two men in the room "I was so surprised that I wasn't even able to show him your baby pictures."

"Mom!" I blushed crimson. How could she think of showing my baby pictures to a complete stranger or to anyone for that matter?

I looked at the stranger in the room to find him amused at my misery but a faint hint of confusion also danced on his sharp features. If I hadn't been questioning his intentions right now, I would have taken my time to appreciate how good looking he was. We both stared at each other trying to figure out the other person's next move.

We were broken out of our stare game when mom cleared her throat. "As much as we like that the both of you are having a moment. Don't forget we are also there in this room." she chuckled but I could clearly see the nervousness in her eyes.

"Mom, but-"

"So, have the both of you fixed a wedding date?" the woman I call my mother said what?!

I moved my eyes from my mother to my father whose face was void of any emotions then to the-guy-whose-name-I-still-didn't-know and thankfully he sported a what-the-fuck look with his eyes wide and jaw drop. At least he is as clueless as me regarding this sudden marriage thingy my mom is on about.

Mom looked between us and gasped. I think she finally realized that she had misunderstood the entire situat-

"Oh my god! Don't tell me he still hadn't popped the question." I'm so done with my family "Sorry for ruining it but who cares how you come to know about it. It still ends the same way."

Yoohoo, mom?! I care who who asks me to marriage and how he asks me for marriage.

"Mom. Room now." I give her one last glare before turning on my heels and stomping away. I slammed the door shut behind me as I start pacing my room and wait for mom to arrive.

"Mom!" I exclaimed as mom entered the room "What the hell was that?"

"What was what?" she ave me a surprised look before frowning. "And Angie and I don't appreciate how you behaved in front of our guest."

"Mom. That guy is not my boyfriend." I said placing special emphasis on the word not to get my point across.

"So?" I gaped at my mom. That guy is not my boyfriend and she was talking about our marriage?

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