What's Your Name?

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My eyes were closed as I swayed from side to side in my seat, behind the desk. I had no idea for how long I'd been sitting like this. All I knew was that I had not got any work done for the one and a half day that I had been living with Clarissa.

Duncan had gone radio silent, although I do believe that he broke his phone, the night of the invasion. And as per both Clarissa and the receptionists, he wasn't showing up at the office either. He was either busy overseeing the repairs back home or was out having meetings and doing other work related stuff.

I opened my eyes and let out a sigh as I stopped my swaying. Closing my eyes were a torture, when all I could see were the good memories of ours and hear our laughter, starting right from our wedding day, or maybe the day we went to buy our rings. I smiled at the memory, it seemed like ages ago. How come six months can feel like six years but also like six seconds at the same time.

My smile vanished when our argument came back to my mind. Why would he not talk to me? It was more saddening than it was infuriating. If only we could talk it out, but I didn't know if he was still angry. Ugh, this is it, I'm not going to think anymore about it if I don't want to drive myself to the brink of insanity. I banged my palmed on the desk and sat up.

"Holy fu--" I jumped back at the exclamation, as my eyes shot up to meet that of Nick. "You scared me, you buffoon!" I scolded, earning a look of disbelief from him. "I scared you? You scared me. Which crazed person bangs the desk out of nowhere?" He accused with a scowl, before it turned into a thoughtful look. "Oh, that's right. You."

I gave him a dumb look. "Seriously?"


"Fuck off."

"No can do." He dropped in one of the seats. "I'm under direct orders to get you out of this office. Even if I've to drag you out, kicking and screaming." He sang with a smug look as he sent my paper-weight on a twirl across the desk. I placed my palm on it, stopping its twirl. "Last I checked, I'm your direct superior. Who are you getting these orders from?"

He gave an one shoulder shrug. "Julia, Freya, Drew, Leo and I are going out for lunch and we want you to join us." I let out a sigh as I looked down at my desk, where papers were scattered untouched for two days. "I can't, I have work to do."

He nodded, leaning forward on the desk. "Yeah, not buying that. You've been sulking for two days now and Tracey has started complaining about the dark vibes oozing out of this room. You're coming with us and I'm not above dragging or carrying you, if I have to. Therefore ma'am, I would ask you to co-operate." I stared at him, trying to gauze any hint of humor, but unfortunately there were none.

"Fine." I conceded. "But, who is Leo?"

"Drew's friend." He shrugged. "Now, let's go, time's a-wastin'. Plus Drew has been standing outside for a while now." He stood up, waiting for me to do the same. I stood and grabbed my coat and other items, before following him out of the office. Outside, I found everyone already waiting for me. They beamed at me, while I forced a smile as we made our way to wherever we were going.

Once we reached the bistro, we all squeezed into the booth. I was seated at the window, followed by Freya and Leo. Opposite to me was Drew, followed by Nick and Julia. The table was alight with conversation and I was satisfied being just an onlooker. I went through the menu, finding every item as tempting as the next one. Selecting a sandwich at random, I settled on staring out of the bay window.

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