Whose Fault?

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If I thought that Duncan was finally going to give me some answers then I was horribly wrong. Not to mention, I should've seen it coming. That guy never gives me complete answers. After dropping the two bombs of Luciantra and me giving him some confirmation regarding it, he just walked away saying he needed to talk to the board members.

Now, seeing that the entrance to the restricted area was all teched up, I had no other choice but to stand there looking like a lost child until one of Duncan's employees noticed and gave me a run through on how to access the different entry points. After about fifteen minutes I entered the lab and walked straight into my office.

"Already regretting it?" I looked up from my hands to see Nick leaning against the doorframe with a small smirk playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the seat as I watched him walk in and sit on one of the visitors' chairs. "I don't know about myself but I'm pretty sure Duncan is regretting it." I closed my eyes sighing.

He hummed in reply. "So, what did you do to make him regret it?" I could here the amusement in his voice and I didn't like it. I shot him a glare before closing my eyes again. "Nothing. Just almost started a fire in his kitchen. No biggie."

As expected from Nickolas he bursted into a fit of laughter. He continued laughing and I gave him a unimpressed looked when he crossed the three minutes mark. It wasn't that funny. "Shut up, Nickolas. Get your ass out of my office, we've got a lot of work to be done." I snapped when I had had enough of his laughing. I stood up and shrugged on my lab coat while he walked out, still laughing. Once he was out of my office, I pulled the official confidential documents out of my bag and placed them inside the locker.

Grabbing my goggles, I walked into the lab and, stopping at one of the counters pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. Okay, let's get down to business. I grabbed the the huge jar like container that was placed on the counter by one hand and tilted it to the side as I felt its surface with my other hand. "Okay, a metal container possibly made of copper or maybe bronze." I mumbled to myself as I tipped it to the side to peek inside. As expected there's more stuff inside.

Pushing the jar more to the side, I started pulling its contents out. Once I had pulled everything out, I made a record of everything that I had pulled out. I huffed as I eyed the now almost full counter top. There were so many things, rotten cloth, boxes, jewellery, trinkets and much more. Looking up from the counter, I glanced around the room. "Tracey?" The blonde looked up when she heard her name and placing the box she was working on back on the counter, made her way to me. "What's up?" She smiled as she eyed my counter. "That's a lot of stuff. Need some help?" She offered graciously which made me smile.

"No. I just wanted to ask, where is Fred?" I asked as I scanned the lab again. Fred was a part of my team, who specialised in restoring old rotting clothes or papers and books. "As you can see there are quite a few clothes and papers I would like him to take a look at. To see if he can save some of them?" I said as I gestured to the pieces on my counter.

Tracey's eyes widened in understanding "Freddie's in the lab on the B2 level. Want me to get him for you?" I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I'll just take these to him myself." I started gathering the clothes and papers while Tracey fetched a transport trolley for me to load the artefacts. Together we loaded the trolley and with one last exchange of smiles, I left the lab.

I scanned my new key card and right palm on the sensors before pressing the button for the elevator. Once I reached B2, I made my way to the lab and scanned my card along with my iris to gain access. I pushed the trolley in but froze when I saw who was in there.

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