Do You?

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Please read the author's note at the end. It is very important.


"I can't believe you didn't tell me about it. I literally fangirled over your husband-to-be in front of you." I mentally rolled my eyes at Freya who has been repeating the same line for the past two days. She grumbled to herself while pulling and twirling my hair around, trying to put them in some fancy hair-do. While another woman I came to know as Raven, poked around my left eye as she did my make-up.

My mom sat on the couch in the room, looking the most emotional woman in the whole house. Which no doubt she was. If you haven't guessed it yet, it's finally the wedding day and I won't lie I'm a lot nervous. A person usually gets married only once in a lifetime and I don't think any of them get married to a person they don't love and have known for a week. I was going to get married in less than two hours to Duncan Marshall, a millionaire and well known yet mysterious New York socialite. That is less than 120 minutes or you can say 7200 seconds. Talk about pressure.

That day after Richard left after getting Duncan's signature, Duncan dropped me home since it suddenly had become very awkward between us. But after that day all hell broke lose since my mom started dragging me around for wedding shopping which wasn't much, thanks to Duncan's idea of private marriage. Other than shopping the rest of the days were spent in me telling everyone I knew closely about my marriage to Duncan. Not to mention the questions I had to face about my relationship with Alex and my sudden marriage to the new security agency's owner. And surprisingly in the middle of all this circus, Alex managed to get my forgiveness.

"Okay, we're done!" Both Raven and Freya stepped back, allowing me to look at my makeup and hair-do. And I was impressed, I was never a fan a heavy makeup so it came to me as a relief when I saw Raven had given me a light earthy look which made my green eyes shine. On the other hand Freya had put my hair in a half up half down waves style which looked good on me. "Come on. Time to get in your dress, I still need to pin the veil." Freya pulled me up from the chair and lead me to the dress rack where my wedding gown was hanging. It was a simple white satin dress with a halter neck which fit at all the right places, I loved it. I quickly slid it on and stood admiring myself in the mirror while Freya and Raven worked on my long veil, which was going to  trail behind me like a train.

"I really like the shade of the lip-color. What is it called?" I asked as I reached up to touch my lips. Raven just chuckled, making me frown. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"You really want to know?" She bit on her lips trying to suppress a laugh but failed miserably.

"Why would I ask if I didn't want to know?"

"Okay okay fine. It's called... walk of shame." What the...? I gaped at her before bursting into a fit of laughter, in which I was later joined by everyone, even my mom. "Why would someone even name it that?" I said between laughs. Between our laughing fit we didn't notice when the door opened and in walked Nikolas dressed in a black tux. He gave us a weird look and cleared his throat so as to get our attention. "Sorry to interrupt your fun but it's time for the bride to get to the church. Your ride awaits." He smiled once he had our attention. "And if I might add, the bride looks absolutely gorgeous." He teased making me blush and roll my eyes at him.

"Let's go." I hooked my arm with his as he led me to the car. We reached the church twenty minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start. I climbed the stairs to the church's entrance while Freya held onto my train so that it won't get dirty. Anxiety hit me full force as I stared at the huge double doors of the church which seemed more daunting right now. Oh, how I wish the twins were here right now. Mom and Dad had informed them about me getting married and as I expected they wanted to come back home immediately but I managed to convince them otherwise. I wanted them to enjoy their trip since they were so excited to go on it.

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