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Champaign. Glitz. Pride. Poise.

The four things that you can always find in a gathering of socialites. Tonight, was no different. Waiters waltzed around the ballroom with trays laden with champaign flutes. Socialites stood around or walked around dressed in their best outfits and jewels. Pride clear on their features. May it be for their plus ones, looks, outfits, jewelleries, business or anything else.

I took a deep breath as I tightened my grip on Duncan's arm. He placed his palm on my hand and smiled down at me when I looked up at him. Closing my eyes I gathered my courage and looked ahead with a confident smile.

I can do this.

We entered the ballroom and almost immediately a few heads turned to look at us. A few eyes widened while others tapped on their companion's shoulders to direct their attention at us. A hush fell upon the previously chattering crowd as they looked at us. I sneaked a glance up at Duncan, who although had a straight face, a satisfied look was still there in his eyes. Which made me wonder if he enjoyed the power.

We walked around the attendees, Duncan's eyes subtly looking around, searchingly. Everyone gradually went back to their conversation but I had a feeling that the subject of conversations had now shifted.

"Angie!" I jumped a bit as I looked to my left to see Helena heading our way as she dragged along Richard behind her. I blushed as I looked at everyone giving Helena disapproving looks before staring at me. "Geez, Helena. You couldn't be any louder, could you?" I hissed when she was at earshot. She rolled her eyes before smiling. "Hello to you to, Angie. And by the way, I'm good. Thanks for asking."

Richard shook his head at her words before smiling at me. "Hi, Angie. You look beautiful." I smiled at his complement mumbling a 'thank you'. But Helena seemed to have a different mind, cause she scoffed. "Beautiful? She looks like royalty in this dress. Doesn't she, Duncan?" She gave him a knowing look which he returned with a grin. "Of course, she does." He wrapped an around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Easy there, man. Anymore closer and people might think you both are one and the same person." Richard teased with a smirk. "Richard." I stared mortified at him while I had no doubt, I was as red as a tomato. My glare soon shifted to Duncan when I felt him laugh. "Hey there, mate. It's been a while." Duncan freed himself from me when he finally went to greet his friend with a side hug.

It was a weird sight in a setting where people only seemed to greet each other with a nod. "Yeah, we should go out for drinks sometime soon." Richard agreed. "Angie." Helena caught my attention. I looked at her and noticed that she was wearing a black velvet dress with a slit going upto mid-thigh. It had a halter neck with a white beaded neckline. The back too had a white beaded network of straps which went down to little above her tailbone, connecting the dress with the neckline, leaving her back semi-bare.

"I see you got a haircut. You look beautiful." I observed, noticing her now shoulder length brown hair with highlights, which had been straightened for the event. Complementing her beautiful heart-shaped face. "Thank you." She gave me a wide smile. "How have you been?"

"Good, actually. Work keeps me busy though." I pouted. "I doubt, work is the only thing that's keeping you busy." She said suggestively. Her eyes had a mix of amused and knowing look to them but they soon narrowed when I didn't respond. "You're not denying it." She pointed out. I helped myself to a drink when the waiter passed us. "I'm not agreeing either." I shrugged, taking a sip from the champaign flute.

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