What Do You Want From Me?

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"I'd rather die than lose you too."

It has been three weeks and the twins had left to meet mom and dad, but I was still unable to get that phrase out of my mind. At the very beginning, Duncan had told me that once I was given the divorce papers, I'd to make a decision for myself and no one else. But then he goes around saying something like that.

A escaped groan me as I knocked my head thrice on the dining table. "You done?" I glanced up to see Duncan throwing judgmental looks at me, over the rim of his mug of coffee. I reciprocated with a stink eye before resting my head back on the table. I heard him let out sigh before the sound of the mug hitting the table top filled my ear. "Come on, love, you haven't even prepared breakfast yet. You need to eat before we leave."

Scowling, I lift my head from the table and glare at him. "First, I don't get why you woke me up at 7, on a Saturday morning. And secondly, can't you please make something for me today? I really don't feel like cooking." I groaned. He shook his head with an amused smile as he picked up his mug and starting doing his dishes at the sink. "Sorry, Evangeline, you know the agreement. No cooking for each other, unless it's an emergency." Another thing that has been bothering me is that he refuses to call me Eva, anymore. Him calling me Evangeline felt oddly cold and distant. "Next, I already told you we need to go grocery shopping." He answered.

"But why now? It has been two months since we got married and we never went grocery shopping before. Don't you have some one to do that for you?" I watched as his back muscles flexed, under his brown Henley shirt, while he did the dishes. The urge to just wrap my arms around him again was overwhelming but I suppressed it.

After that incident in his office, he went to his room and didn't come out until the next morning. Since then that topic has never been revisited again. I was too afraid to bring it up and judging by the looks he would send my way, Duncan knew what was on my mind. Other than that, things were pretty good between us. Although sometimes, he would suddenly close himself off, whenever he got too relaxed.

"I prefer buying groceries myself. I just didn't do it last month because I was busy so I sent a list to the shop and got it delivered." He replied wiping the mug and plate dry. I watched as he moved around the kitchen placing the crockeries back in their places, before taking out a bowl, a spoon, a box of cereal and a milk carton, and placed them in front of me as he came to stand next to me. "If you don't want to cook, have cereal. All you've to do is pour the cereal and the milk into the bowl. I hope you can manage that or would you like a breakfast bar?" The slight sarcasm in his tone didn't go unnoticed, by me. He was being playful for a change and I liked it.

"Are you calling me lazy, dear husband?" I played along as I feigned offense and wrapped my arms around his waist. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked into my eyes. "I wouldn't dare." He smirked, stepping between my legs as he too wrapped his arms around me. "I don't believe you." I accused mockingly. "Really? Well, that's going to be a problem." A mischievous grin appeared on his face, which I'm sure I was mirroring. I let out a squeak when he lifted me up and placed me on the table. "How about I take you out for lunch after shopping, as an apology?" He proposed pulling me closer, while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hmm, I think I would love that." I hummed as I found myself lost in his beautiful eyes that seemed to shine as light reflected from them.

"Yeah?" He leaned closer, his nose slightly brushing mine.

"Yeah~" I breathed, eyes closing shut as I felt his nose trail down my cheek, to the curve of my neck. A pleasurable shiver ran down my spine and my breath shallowed with anticipation, when I felt his warm breath hit the hollow of my neck. One of my hands trailed up to his hair as I felt two of his fingers lift the hem of my top as they caressed the bare skin under it. Suddenly, his phone started blaring, snapping us both out of our trance. My eyes popped open at the same time, Duncan retracted himself from me with slightly wide eyes.

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