How Was Your Day?

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I woke up with a start as my eyes wandered around, taking in my surroundings. Taking a deep breath I tried to sit up on the bed but stopped with a groan, when pain shot through my left leg. From the looks of it, I was in Duncan's room which was engulfed in the soft glow from the light directly overhead me. Which casted eerie shadows of vines through out the room.

My neck felt stiff as I leaned against the headboard. I felt a sense of déjà vu as I tried to remember what events had led up to now. My eyes drifted to the door when I heard it creak open, revealing Duncan. "You're finally awake." He mused when he saw me and closed the door before sitting next to me. "How are you feeling?" I frowned at the clinical way he was behaving. He had a blank look and even his tone was emotionless.

I went to nod, but found it hard to make any movement without feeling some kind of pain. "Yes, I'm. Are you?" He let out a loud sigh before placing something cold at the curve of my neck. I shuddered at the coldness but leaned into it as it seemed to soothe the inflamed skin. "I got you an ice pack. You need to keep icing it and there are painkillers if the pain gets unbearable. You also have a hairline fracture in both your left tibia and talus. So you'll have to wear protective footwear, also you're not to stand too long or put too much pressure on it..." He rattled off one after another as he iced my neck.

"You never answered my question." I pointed out, making him falter for a second before he continued. "I wasn't the one in the car accident." He whispered under his breath. Accident, I realised, I was in a car accident. Although, I wouldn't call it an accident because it was anything but that.

⌁⌁⌁ 5 Hours Ago⌁⌁⌁

I felt a dull throb in my leg and realized I was stuck. My legs were stuck between the metals. But thankfully the pressure on them was not strong enough to cause any serious damage. My eyesight kept blurring out and the world seemed to swim.

I looked back out of my cracked window at the sound of tyres to see the car that hit me, back up and then speed forward to take another hit. I tried to inch away from the door as much as possible, my breath shallowing. I watched wide-eyed as the lights kept getting bigger and bigger as the car sped towards me. I closed my eyes seconds before the sound of metal hitting metal and the cry of tyres, filled my ears. But neither did I feel my car move nor did I feel anymore pain.

Slowly I opened my eyes and peered through the cracked window to see the silhouette of a car careen off the road while an unfamiliar car stood perpendicular to mine a few metres away. For now I could only assume that the unfamiliar car had knocked the other car off its course and had stopped it from hitting me.

Suddenly a buzzing caught my attention and I looked around before reaching as much as I could for my mobile on the car floor. The screen flashed with Helena's name. "H-hello, Helena?" My voice cracked as I answered the call.

"Evangeline! Thank god. Are you okay? What happened? I called Richard, Duncan is on his way. I heard a loud noise and you wouldn't answer. I was so scared. Are you okay? Why aren't you saying anything?" Words rushed out of her in a frantic mess, making me miss some of her words.

"I'm okay. For now." My eyes drifted back outside as I watched men exit the unfamiliar car and walk to the car before taking cover when a shot rang out. I almost jumped out of my skin as I frantically tried to free my leg. "Wh-what was that? What was the that sound?" I heard Helena ask, but I was already too panicked. "Something happened... guns... I-I don't know."

"Evangeline, listen to me. No matter what, don't hang up. Talk to me, what is happening? Are you hurt?" Her voice although calm, was laced with concern. There were still the occasional shots that were going off, but nothing in my direction. I started relaying everything to Helena, which distracted me from the chaos outside. It was only when I heard sirens that I looked out. I noticed that the car that had bashed into mine was now starting to drive off, while an unfamiliar man was making his way to my wreck of a car.

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