Would You Walk Me To My Room?

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Translations in the in-line comments.


"My my my, out of all the ways, I had never thought that this would be how I'll be greeted." She teased, as she eyed the position we were in. I blushed at the realization that Duncan was still had me up against the wall. I quickly pushed and swatted at his hand, making him drop me back to my feet. I could feel Duncan look between us while I just blinked dumbly, too lost for thoughts.

Nadia let out an exasperated sigh as she rolled her eyes. "Are you two planning to say anything, anytime soon?" She looked at us with wide waiting eyes.


"Thought I told you to leave."

We both said at the same time. I shot him a confused look before realization set on me. Nadia is the woman he was on the phone with. The ex and childhood best friend. "Oh," I looked at  her with wide eyes, when it finally clicked, I had seen her in the photo album I found in the library. She was the girl in the pictures who Duncan had his arm wrapped around along with his sister. Her eyes drifted to me and a grin lighted her face. "Evangeline," She spoke with an accent which I found slightly similar to Elle's. Was she Italian? Unease crept up on me when she stalked towards me and Duncan stepped away. I gave him a panicked look when she wrapped her arms around me. Is it okay for her to hug me? I don't think this is normal. And why doesn't Duncan look worried?

I still had an alarmed look when she pulled away, as I stared at her. "I've heard so much about you!" She gushed as she held me at arms length and took in the look on my face. "Awe, don't look at me as if I'm a crazy woman who can flip any moment." She pouted sadly. Was it genuine? The world would never know. "Anyways, we've so much to catch up." Am I the only person who is finding this weird? 

"Let's go!" She started pulling me along, but Duncan pulled me back to his side, by my arm. "Nadia." He warned. She glared at him and huffed. "What? So, I can't even have a chat with her? You know I don't have any girlfriends." She whined. "It's not like I'm going to tie her up and skip towns. We can just lounge here on the couches while you go and you know, take care of your not so little problem." She hinted as she casually looked down at his 'not so little problem'.


"Or. You can leave while we take care of our problem." I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear anything. Nadia hummed before smirking at him. "Nice one but I thought you could also take this opportunity to take care of the room." The room? Unlike me, Duncan seemed to get her drift, as his brows lifted in realization.

"Which room, Nadia?" He sounded annoyed by the idea of whatever she said. She just shrugged with a pleased smile. "Let's just say, you won't be sleeping alone tonight." He scoffed. "Fine, but don't say anything about... you know what." His voice dropped with every word, but not enough that I'll not hear what he said. I frowned and narrowed  my eyes at him. On the other hand Nadia gasped, and then glared at him.

"Don't tell me. Non gliel ' hai dett." She said in an accusatory tone as she pulled him away by his arm. "Devi dirglielo." He rolled his eyes. "No, I don't." She stared at him hard. "Vuoi che glielo dica? Perché se non è possibile per voi allora vorrei."

"You would do no such thing." I backed away at his threatening tone. Whatever they were discussing, was not pleasant.

"Deve sapere. Se lei impara, non sarebbe un bell'aspetto per te." She flailed her hand as if trying to explain something. "You think I don't know that? You know it too, that's why you switched to Italian." They were resorting to yelling now. So, I decided to grab myself some water cause anyway, I wasn't getting a word she was saying. "Questo è un gioco pericoloso che si sta giocando." Was the last thing I heard before closing the kitchen door behind me.

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