Did You Do It?

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"Come on Eva, it's time for your cooking lesson." Duncan called out from somewhere in the house while I just groaned into the throw pillow on the couch, where I was lying face down, ever since we came back from work.

It was stupid of me to protest to Duncan when he had offered to give me lessons in the morning. But me being the lazy ass I am, didn't want to do it. Now look where it got me. I heard Duncan's footsteps before I heard his voice but still didn't make a move to even look at him.

"How long are you going to stay there on the couch?" I heard a hint of amusement in his voice making me scowl into the pillow. "At least go and freshen up." His voice came closer, until I saw his feet come into my line of vision. I ignored him and grumbled some gibberish into the pillow. Noticing my lack of energy he exhaled an exaggerated sigh which was followed by a long silence. Thinking that maybe he had given up and left, I peeked up. Big. Mistake. Because the next moment I was picked up from the couch.

I squealed as Duncan arranged me in his arms such that he was now carrying me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck scared he would drop me, while I gaped up at him.

"Put me down." My voice came out high pitched making me cringe inside.

"I will." He replied an amused smile dancing on his lips, as he left the living room and carried me up the stairs.  Not having anything else to do, I just gazed up at his face, admiring his features. His brown locks bounced as he ascended the stairs and fell over his greenish blue eyes, which appeared to be bluer under the low lighting. I really loved his eyes, they were those kind of eyes in which you could look forever and never get bored. And that's what was happening to me.

I was lost.

My eyes travelled down to his slightly crooked nose which seemed to have a small scar on it. Then further down to his lips that were still quirked up in a smile. Unconsciously I leaned into his touch and let out a sigh as I closed my eyes. It was weird how whenever I was near him, I would lean into him and relax as if there was nothing in the world I needed to worry about.

With my eyes till closed, I heard him open a door and then another, before he leant a bit forward so as to put me down. I grumbled and tightened my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder, not willing to let go. I was very comfortable in his arms now. I opened my eyes and glanced up at him when I heard him chuckle.

"I understand that you find my arms really comfortable, but you still need to freshen up, darling." He said as he placed me on the vanity top of my room's bathroom. "I'll be waiting downstairs." Leaning in he pecked me on the forehead making me pout. He chuckled at my reaction before walking away.

An hour later I was re-energized and skipped down the stairs only to find Duncan in the kitchen reading a book. "Hey." He looked up and closed the book, giving me a lop sided grin. "You sure took your own sweet time." I blushed while he smirked. Maybe I did go a bit overboard with the bath but it felt so good. "Can we just get over with it." I grumbled.

"Not so easily, love." He chided with a smirk. "Today you're going to help me cook dinner and I want you to watch real close. I'm going to give you some important tips which will come in use later. Now come here." He beckoned me over as he turned to face the counter. I made my way to his side and looked at all the ingredients he had already placed on the counter and to be honest, I didn't know half of them. I looked at Duncan to see him already staring at me from the corner of his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. I've a bad feeling about this.

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