What The Heart Calls Out To?

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"Have you decided yet?"

Claire asked once Duncan and I returned and settled down on our seats. I glanced at Duncan to see him deep in thought. I was still curious about what he meant by 'a way out' and it was filling my mind with endless possibilities. Maybe he really meant it or maybe he didn't. And I would've loved for him to clarify it but apparently the restroom of a high end jewellery store was too public to discuss such scandalous matters. So, we were to discuss the matter at a more private setting ie, his house.

"I think Eva should decide for us." I looked up when Duncan spoke up with a grin. "It would be only fair." What would be fair? What did I miss?

Claire nodded knowingly and faced me with a questioning look. I looked wide eyed at both Duncan and Claire before settling my gaze down on the different unopened boxes.

Talk about pressure.

"How about Simplex?" I answered after thinking for a while and looked at Duncan for confirmation. I needed a ring that wouldn't come in way of my work and wouldn't cause me much worry about damaging it. But would still be meaningful. And Simplex according to me fit all the requirements perfectly.

"Simplex it is then." He smiled in approval. Claire smiled back and started opening one of the boxes. She turning around the box such that its contents were visible to us. We were greeted by the sight of different pair of rings of different metals, colours and finishes. If I earlier thought that selecting rings from Simplex category would be easy then I was horribly wrong.

They were all so simple yet so beautiful. There were rings of yellow gold, white gold, rose gold, silver, platinum and many more. "See anything you like, love?" Duncan whispered in my ear, making me shiver and jump away from him.

Giving him a strange look, I went back to looking at the different rings. "Hmm, I was thinking white gold or platinum with satin finish?" I wondered out loud as I pointed at the two pair of rings. Both Claire and Duncan followed my movement. Duncan plucked the male rings from both the pairs at stared thoughtfully at them before looking at me.

"Close your eyes." He said as he tilted his head to the side a bit. I gave him a suspicious look but closed my eyes anyways. I wonder what he's upto but I trust him enough to not do something unreasonable. "Lift your hands. Palms up." Is it just me or did it sound low-key Christian Grey-ish? I shrugged the weird thought off and did what he told me to.

I felt him place the rings in each of my hands and curled my fingers over them. "Feel them." I heard him say while his light grip came to rest on my wrists, where my pulse is located. "Which one does your heart calls out to?" My heart calls out to? What is that supposed to mean?

I turned the rings around inside my fists as I felt them around. Both the rings were similar to touch. They both were cold to touch and had the same smooth satin finish. How was I supposed to choose like this?

While I was deep in thought, I didn't realise that I had stopped playing with the ring in my right hand. I opened my eyes as I now knew which ring I had chosen. "Decided?" He gave me a knowing smirk which I replied with a smile and nodded.

I lifted my left hand and uncurled my fingers to reveal the ring made of white gold. He took the ring from me with a smile and handed it over to Claire, who seemed to be awestruck. "We'll take this pair." She nodded happily and plucked out it's pair before walking away.

Letting out a sigh I placed the other ring back in the box. "So, what the heart calls out to, huh?" I drawled as I turned to face Duncan. He sat back with a lazy grin, his arm splayed over the backrest of the love seat we were sitting on "Something my ma used to say." My smile dropped at the reminder that he had no family left and judging by the fondness in his voice, he was close to his mom. "She used to say that if you're buying something for someone you care about and are stuck at a crossroad. Always let the heart choose." His words softened as he finished.

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