Why Am I Here?

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"No..." I whispered, apprehension seeping into my voice. I crawled away and pushed myself as far away as possible against the wall. "Stay away from me." I tried to sound strong but I knew I was failing. "Rude." He scowled as I saw his shadowy figure come closer to me. I tried to focus my vision to see clearer who was the person, but it was turning out to be a difficult feat considering the number of hits my head at taken.

"Where are your manners, gatto? I flew here specially to meet you and you keep trying to run away from me." He mocked hurt as he looked at me. I listened to him carefully which only confirmed my doubt that this person was not the same as the previous one. "Who are you?" I struggled with my words as I pushed myself off the ground and onto my feet. His eyes followed my movement as I stumbled to the opposite wall. "Who am I, isn't really important, gatto." He shrugged, getting comfortable on the ground.

"The important part is the location." I frowned both at his words and the feeling of something rolling down my temple. "You want me to leave, right, gattina? Tell me the location and I'll be out of your hair." He offered.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I bit out, as I felt the world further blur around me. He heaved a sigh and got up, making me close my eyes and shrink away from him. I gasped when I felt water being thrown at my face. I opened my eyes to see the man standing with an empty bottle of water in his hand. "Stay awake, would you!" He snapped as he leaned against the wall in front of me. "You know very well, what I'm talking about. So, answer my question or would you like me to pay a not so nice visit to your blonde friend." I eyed him with slight anger while he threatened me. "What was his name again? Nick?"

"You wouldn't."

"You're leaving me with no other choice, are you?" He scowled, which he seemed to be doing a lot. And judging from the way his eyes kept darting, he was getting skittish. "I'm a busy man, gatto. I can't keep flying here to see you, when I know the risks I'm taking while doing so. So, just tell me where is it." One could hear the desperation in his voice as he took long strides in my direction. "Or I have other means to get it out of you. I can't kill you but I can sure as hell, send you to the brink of it." He made a silence promise to deliver on his words as he took out a small knife, which glinted eerily in contrast to it's dark surrounding. "So, be a good gatto and tell me, where is it?"

I kept my mouth shut as I just stared at him with clenched jaw. Judging from the crazed look, it would be idiotic of me to say anything but the answer to his question. So, right now I felt the best bet was for me to keep my mouth shut. Seeing my unwillingness to co-operate, his face morphed into a sneer. "You leave me no choice." My eyes widened as he spoke through gritted teeth. He grabbed hold of my shoulder with one hand before lifting his knife wielding hand up to my face. 

Instinct kicked in, as I grabbed his hand which held the knife and tried to push away. But I was failing to keep up a fight as all the pain and ache had seeped a majority of my strength out of me, leaving me feeling completely weak. I closed my eyes as I started feeling on the verge of passing out. Taking a deep breath, I tried to gather as much strength as possible before lifting my knee and hitting him in his family jewels. I pushed him away and rushed towards the stairs, when he stumbled back with a groan.

I was about to climb up the stairs when I froze. "Evangeline!" Duncan... "Evangeline! Love, where are you?" Tears filled my eyes as I heard Duncan calling my names. He was close. Really close, maybe near the entrance of the crypt. "Duncan?" My voice echoed inside the crypt as I placed my palm on the wall, pushing myself up the stairs. I let out a shriek when I was yanked back and a fist connected with my jaw. I fell down with a groan before being yanked up by my hair. "Now you've done it." I heard him over the ringing in my ears before seeing him rear the knife back. I closed my eyes when he was about to stab me.

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