What Did I Do?

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Suddenly, my hand was pulled free of Alex's grip while he was roughly pushed away from me.

"When the lady says no, she means no." I stared in bewilderment when Duncan came to stand between us with me safely hidden behind him.

And man, he looked pissed.



"Mr Marshall? I'm sorry sir, but I  would request you to stay out of this. This is between me and my girlfriend." Oops, looks like I forgot to mention who I was supposed to get married to, to Alex when I met him last night.

I looked up at Duncan to see him giving me a 'really?' look over his shoulder. He rolled his eyes going back to look at Alex. "You see it is my business because your girlfriend happens to be my fiancée. So don't waste all of our time and leave before I do something, I might regret."

Your girlfriend, my fiancée?

Sounds a bit morally wrong, doesn't it?

"Angel?" Alex tried to meet my eyes, giving me a look of confusion and shock, but I shifted further behind Duncan, so that I was now completely hidden. As much as I disliked Duncan, at the moment I'd rather have Duncan stay with me than Alex. 

Alex huffed but walked away nonetheless. Duncan and I watched him walk away until he was completely out of sight. I took a surprised step back when Duncan abruptly turned around and started walking away. I stood frozen on my spot as I watched him walking away too.

What's with people walking away today?

But he hadn't walked much far when he stopped abruptly and looked back at me. He narrowed his eyes at me, making me gulp at his intense stare. But, before I knew it he was walking back towards me. When he was close enough he stopped. "I thought you would follow me since we both are going to buy rings. But looks like I expected too much from you."

oh, right...the rings...

He placed his hand on the small of my back as he started guiding me towards his car. The entire walk he had a slight frown on his face and didn't bother to talk. But I was glad that instead of dragging me along, like Alex, he was going at my pace. Whenever I walked faster he would walk faster and whenever I would slow down he would too. It kinda amused me as a result I was soon doing it on purpose and if he noticed it, he didn't show it.

Just for fun, I stopped in my tracks and as expected he did too. I looked to see his face but he seemed to be in deep thought to notice it. I bit down on my lip to stop myself from chuckling but it didn't work since a soft chuckle escaped me.

"Huh?" That seemed to have broken him out of his thoughts as he glanced around confused before his eyes landed on me, and a small smile appeared on his lips. "Let's go." He urged me forward and this time we made it to his car.

Seeing his car, made me realize something I had forgotten about. "Wait. What about my car?" I asked when he opened the passenger side door for me. He looked up and leaning against the open car door, replied. "Don't worry about it. Give me your keys, I'll have my driver take it back to your place." I nodded reluctantly and gave him the keys.

"Get in." Taking the keys and nodding towards the car's inside, he grinned before walking to where his driver was standing. I sat observing my fiancé while he talked to his driver still grinning like he had just a few minutes ago. And I realized that he did look like a young cherub when he smiled like that. He looked so...pure, like someone who was free of any kind of malice. 

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