Can You Trust Me?

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I hummed as I cleaned the dishes. It was a beautiful Thursday morning and Duncan was going to pick me up in about fifteen minutes.

"Angie, what do you think about this one?" My mom held up one of many wedding brochures for the tenth time in half an hour. Removing the gloves from my hands, I turned to face her. "Mom. Duncan said it's going to be a small private marriage so what's the meaning of doing all this. Plus I don't care what you prepare for me." Her going on and on about the wedding preparation was like a nightmare for me. Getting continuously reminded of that agreement left me bitter every single time.

"How can you not care, Evangeline?" She frowned "It's your wedding."

"One that I can't seem to be able to accept." I pushed myself off the counter as I started walking out of the kitchen. I fiddled with the engagement ring on my finger as I walked towards the staircase. Now that I had the ring on my finger, fiddling with it came as a second nature to me.

I stopped mid-step when the doorbell went off. Looks like Duncan was here. I walked to the door and opened to reveal a smiling Duncan as expected. I smiled back before stepping aside "Come in." He walked in, looking around as if he had come here for the first time. He quickly glanced at my hand where I had the ring on, before looking away.

"What?" I asked curiously as I followed him in.

"Just checking." He shrugged

"Checking what? That I had got rid of the ring or not?" I snapped as I observed that today instead of his normal suites, he was in a casual wear of jeans and a button up.

"No. I was just worried that you might freak out again like back at the store and remove the ring." He shot me a look which clearly showed his displeasure at the choice and tone of my words, making me blush. "But I guess you're holding up better than I thought."

"Sorry." He froze making me realise what I just said. I had forgetten that he hated the word 'sorry'. I was about to rectify it but was interrupted when he just nodded in acknowledgement and resumed walking. "I'll just grab my purse from upstairs then we can leave." I rushed up to my room and quickly grabbed my purse before heading back downstairs. I enter the living room to see my mom going on and on about her plans for our wedding while Duncan quietly listened to her with a smile on his face, throwing in a nod here and there.

"Duncan?" Two pairs of eyes turned to look at me sporting identical grins on their faces. Duncan walked towards me and stopped just in front of me "Ready to go?" He asked brushing his hair away from his forehead with his hand. I nodded and turned around to leave. "Goodbye, Mrs Davis. It was nice talking to you." I halted in my steps when I heard Duncan still talking to my mom.

"Oh please call me Isabel or mom. Whichever you prefer."

"Sure. I'll keep that in mind next time." He finally walked out of the living room and we left the house. He opened the car door for me like usual and closed it after me before getting in on the driver side.

"So, why the casual look today?" I asked a while later as he silently drove through the traffic. He looked down at himself before focussing back on the road again. "I work from home on Thursdays so I don't see a reason to dress up if only I'm going to see myself." Well, looks like you decide your own off days if you have your own company. "But sometimes I do need to go to the company if some emergency comes up."

"So, is Thursday the only day you work from home?" I asked as we drove over the Brooklyn bridge, suddenly curious.

"Mostly." He replied with a frown on his face as if he was deep in thought. "But there are times when I either come back early or leave late, just like there are times when I come back home really late. It all depends mostly on the work and schedule." He shrugged.

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