A Way Out?

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The rest of the ride I decided to keep my mouth shut while Duncan too didn't make a move to start a conversation. He was his composed self again as he concentrated on the road, but unlike him I couldn't calm down and kept glancing at him. I felt just like a kid who had done something wrong and her parents were giving her the silent treatment.

Soon the car came to a halt signaling that we had finally reached our destination. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I glanced around to see where we were but couldn't really recognize the area. I reached out to open my door but it was already opened by Duncan, who offered his hand to help me out. Not wanting to upset him further today, I wordlessly took his hand and got out of his car. I awkwardly stood next to him while he shut the door of the car and handed his keys to the valet.

Once the valet left with his car, Duncan turned to walk towards the huge jewelery store that I had failed to notice somehow. I hurriedly stopped him by pulling his sleeves to which he just glanced down where I had caught him and shot me a questioning look. I let go of his sleeves and took a deep breath, it's now or never. "I'm sorry Duncan, I didn't know that...that you're family is no more. I didn't mean to hurt you. I really am sorry. Please don't be upset with me because it's so weird not seeing you smirking or smiling. I really--" a hand clamped down on my mouth before I could continue. I glanced up to see Duncan looking both annoyed and amused at the same time.

"Stop." he slowly removed his hand. "Stop saying sorry. I'm not upset that you brought up my family, I just despise the phrase 'I'm sorry'. So, just don't say it again, okay?" I nodded.

"But!" I gripped his sleeve again when he turned to leave. He gave me a questioning look "But then how do people apologise to you, when they make some mistake?" He tilted his head and pursed his lips as if thinking. "I guess they say 'I apologise' instead, or nothing at all."

I frown at his words "How is that any different from the former?" Isn't the meaning of 'sorry' and 'I apologise' the same? He sighs deeply "Maybe for you and everyone else there isn't but for me there is a great difference." He replied.

Now, what is that supposed to me?

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and started walking up the stairs to the store's entrance. I silently followed him since I was too busy admiring the grandiose of the place which I had failed to notice before. This was no Tiffany & Co or Cartier showroom but there was no doubt that this place was in any way less than them. I returned the smile when the doorman gave us a smile as he opened the huge French doors for us. My eyes wandered around the elegant interior of the store and the different jeweleries that were on display but surprisingly not much was on display.

Seeing us, a beautiful brunette came forward with a huge smile on her face but judging by her attire she wasn't an employee here. "Duncan! It's so good to see you again."Duncan chuckled as he let go of my hand so as to return the hug when the lady hugged him. I awkwardly stood there until they finally broke the hug. "You should call more often." She playfully glared at him before smiling again.

"Sorry Claire, you know how handling a business can sometimes become so hectic. But I promise to call you and Janet more often." she nodded at his answer, satisfactorily. "You better do that! Mom misses you and so do I. Make sure to drop by someday before the preparations begin." I stared between the two of them, feeling a bit out of place. They seemed to know each other really well, making me wonder who she was. I tried to remember if I ever saw her on or in any form of media since she looked like someone straight out of a fashion magazine with her tall slender figure and long soft brown curls. She had a white wrap dresses which ended mid thigh along with a pair of nude heels.

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