Who are you?

591 16 14


I woke up with the alarm and dragged myself to the washroom to freshen up. I was still tired from last night, where I along with the others were working till late trying to analyse some of the new excavates.

And today, the transfer officials were coming in and the new security agency head was also scheduled to pay me a visit for some reason. Today was technically a very busy and important day but I couldn't help but feel like a sloth bear.

When I finally dragged myself down to the kitchen, I was welcomed by the sound of my parents arguing. Although, I ignored them and joined my siblings at the counter for a quick breakfast of apple.

"Wanna catch a ride with me again?"

"Naah, Kenneth's mom will drop us off today." Kyle replied as he stuffed his face with cereals.

I turned around to leave but stopped when Kylie called out.

"Yes, Kylie?"

She fidgety as she handed two sheets of papers to me "The thing is, our school has arranged a month long trip for us and today kind of is the last day to submit the permission letter..."

"So you want me to sign the form for you?" they nodded in perfect sync.

"Aren't mom or dad supposed to sign it? Since you know they are your legal guardians." I asked as I went through the letters

"You think we didn't try? They give zero fück about us. The only thing they do when home is fight. Plus any adult family member can sign." Kyle grumbled

"Language young man." I gave him a stern look to which he just rolled his eyes. "So, a month long trip, huh? And you really want to go?" I was replied with eager nods.

A month long trip? Maybe it would be a good idea if the twins can spend some time away from this bitter environment of our so called home. Plus, I would get to see the smiles on their face. For me nothing is more important than my baby brother and sister's happiness.

"Okay, then." I sign both the letters and hand them over back to Kylie "Have fun!"

Soon I'm tackled into a hug by the twins making me smile wider "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Angie. You're the best! We love you!"

"I love you two, too." I laugh and break the hug. "Okay, I'm off now. Take care. And when are you two leaving for the trip?" I walk towards the front door and wait for their reply as I open the door.


"What?!" they're leaving tomorrow? Today is the 4th of March, so that means they would be back on the 5th of April.

I hear the sound of the twins laughing before I close the door behind me. I get in my car and drive off. According to the schedule, the head of the new security agency is to come by in the first half while the transfer officials are to come after lunch.

I park my car in the employee's parking and make my way to the entrance.

"Good morning, Ben."

"Good morning, Evangeline."

I walk towards the restricted area as I greet all the staff on the way. Walking through the carpeted area of the museum in my 4 inch heels was taking me forever to reach the back door to the restricted area. It's not like I'm short at 5'7", but who could say no to beautiful heels, right?

One had to get their ids scanned to enter the restricted area, so I do just that and start descending the stairs leading to the labs, two floors down. I get my id scanned three more times more before I'm finally allowed entrance to the lab.

I wonder why the authorities thought it to be necessary to change the security when it was already so tight.

"Nick, how long before the security head arrives?" I ask as I drop my bag in the office and shrug on my white lab coat.

"More thirty minutes." I give him a nod and put on my safety glasses. "Did the carbon footprint result of the new artifacts come yet?"

"No, but they would be here by 3." he followed me as I made my way to the counter to start working on the artifacts.

"Why aren't they here yet? It shouldn't take so long." I frowned as I picked an old vase for testing.

"Apparently the guy who was bringing the result was ambushed and the result was taken away from him."

"What?!" I exclaimed, why would anyone want to steal a carbon footprint result??

"Keep it down, Angie. You're voice will make some antiques crack." Nick reminded me in a scolding voice.

Our lab most of the artifacts which were due for analysing and since usually all of them were newly excavated, they were really easy to damage. May it be harsh contact, loud noise or any casual handling by some amateur.

"But, why would anyone try to steal it?" I whispered yelled at him. There's no reason why anybody would want to steal it. What would anybody do by knowing how old some artifacts are?

"I have no clue." he shrugged "But, I think this has something to do with the recent change in security."

"Maybe." Maybe, the current security wasn't that safe afterall. "Let's get back to work. We already have lot on our hands."

He gave me a curt nod as we went back to our work.



"Shut up, Trace. How many times should I tell you, no screaming in the lab." I glared at George who had rushed into the lab.

Now, you must be wondering why did I call George, Trace. Well the thing is that his full name is George Lyle Williamson the fourth. Sounds like the name of a royalty, doesn't it? But he is no royalty and since the name is a little overbearing he prefers to be called Trace. Why Trace? Well, that's because the guy loves to travel.

"But..." he stuttered

Now, who ruffled his feathers?

"But what, Trace?"

"The people from the new security agency is here and they're coming to meet you. Now." he replied flabbergasted.

"Trace. Why are you sounding so scared when I'm the one they're coming to meet?" I rolled my eyes while dusting my hands.

As if on que the lab doors opened and a group of men in suits entered lead by the museum manager. All the men were dressed in black suits except the manager and another guy, who I presume is the head aka the CEO.

The manager was talking to the 'CEO' regarding the labs and other things. Seeing his chance, Trace not so subtly scampered away.

The conversation didn't appear to be nearing it's end so I took this time to observe the 'CEO'. The guy unlike my imagination of a security head was a lean man with clitćhe blonde hair and blue eyes. He also had a pair of glasses perched on the tip of his nose which kept sliding down the perfect slope of his nose.

Soon the ongoing conversation came to an end and the manager beckoned me to introduce myself. I straightened my posture and took confident strides towards them ready to create my first impression.


Two more chapters for the preview to end.


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