Coming Clean?

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Fun Fact: If Duncan had a voice, it would be like Andy Black's.


I stumbled on my feet as we kept walking backwards. I hit, tugged and thrashed in his arms, but he refused to let go or make any sound.

The crunch of glass made us both pause but soon enough I was being tugged behind what I think was a wall. Before I knew it, I was pulled inside a room and let go.

I stumbled away from him, and whipped around in the dark room, when I heard him lock the door. I could see the faint outline of a man as he strode towards me. I made a move to step back but he held me in place by my arms. "Are you okay?"

My eyes widened at the familiar voice as realization sank in. "Duncan." I whispered and almost fell on my knees at the relief. But since he was holding me up, I settled on leaning against him. "You scared me. Don't ever grab me like that." He seemed to relax as he let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around me. As the panic slowly dissipated, I snuggled against him and welcomed his familiar foresty smell.

He pulled away and I could feel him shuffle and soon there was white light illuminating our faces. I gasped when I saw him bleeding from the corner of his lips and from his forehead. "Are you okay?" I asked, making him shush me down as he spared a look over his shoulder at the locked door. He looked back at me and cradled my face as he stared in my eyes. "I'm fine. Listen to what I'm going to say carefully." He spoke sternly while his eyes pleaded. "I need you to stay away from the door and the windows. Be as quiet as you can be and when I step out, lock the door behind me. Don't let anyone come inside. I've a key. And under no circumstances leave this room. Not until either the lights come back or I come for you. Okay?"



"What is going on out there? Who are those people?" I gripped onto his arm, keeping him from leaving. "I'll tell you later. I need to go." He spoke sadly as he tried to brush my hands off. "No." I glared at him as I held onto him. "No, you're not going out there and you're not leaving me. You're going to stay right here with me." I insisted. "They're clearly more than one, if they shattered the glass column. How would you handle them all alone, in the dark? We should call the police they'll handle them. We don--" He pinched my lips close and gave me an irritated look.

"You're talking too fast. Don't worry about the police, they're en route. There are five people standing and seven people down, I can handle them. And I've step counted the entire house, so I can walk around blindfolded if I want to. You should know, I did that when you had your little accident in the bath." He had the gall to have a smug look. "What are you being so smug about, it's not like you got to see anything?"

"Are you sure about that? Your eyes were closed at the start?" My jaw dropped.

"You sneaky bastard!"


I huffed and folded my arms. He let out an inaudible laugh before sobering up. "I need to go now." Taking the advantage of me not holding him, he hurried towards the door. "Duncan, no." I pleaded as I grabbed onto his t-shirt. He took a sharp breath before turning to look at me. My eyes were adjusted to the darkness now, so I stared up at his gleaming dark eyes. He cupped my neck as he looked at me. "If I don't go now, they'll notice it and start checking the rooms. I can't let them find you, love. Please, let me go."


"Darling, don't be like this." He let go of me as he backed away towards the door. "They're in our home. I need to protect our home." I reached out to grab him but I couldn't find him. There was a low click as he opened the door.

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