Is He, Now?

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Evangeline's dress ^^^


"I refuse to talk to you."

"Yeah right, because that's exactly why you called me in the first place. To not talk." I rolled my eyes as I carried the garment bag to my walk-in closet. It was Saturday, the day of the gala and Duncan just had Gary drop my outfit home from the designer.

"Fine! But I'm still upset with you." I hummed distractedly as I hung the garment bag on the stand in the closet. "And why is that?" I ask, frowning as I walk out of the closet. "Where should I even start?" Helena huffed on the other line as I sat down cross-legged on the bed. "The fact that you never call or the one where you don't tell me anything?"

"But aren't those two connected? I can't tell you stuff if I don't call. Anyway, what didn't I tell you?" I frowned, falling back into the softness of the bed. "Oh I don't know, maybe about Clarissa or that you were in the hospital during Jack's funeral or maybe that you and Duncan have made some progress?" And that was enough for me to scramble back into a sitting position. "What? Wait, what happened with Clarissa was not my place to tell you and I can't believe Richard told you. We told him not to." I huffed. "And do I want to know how you even know about the last one?"

"So, it's true!" She squealed making me grimace as I moved my phone away from my ear. "What do you mean? What is true?" I ask softly, still suffering from the after buzz of her high pitched squeal. "You and Duncan! I mean, it has been five months! Something had to happen by now. And it did!" If I didn't know better, I would've thought I was talking to teenager, with all the gushing and squealing she was doing.

"Can we not talk about this?" I groaned falling back on the bed and cuddling the pillow. There was a long silence on the other line before she replied. "Fine, but only because you need to get ready for the party. We'll pick up where we left off, at the party then." She mused.

"Wait, you're coming to the party?" My excitement clearly wasn't lost on her as she chuckled. "Of course, I am. The Johnsons and the Winstons have been close business associates for years now. Not to mention my sister-in-law, Joanna, the one you met at Claire's bachelorette? Yeah, she and Henrik Winston's son, Keith, attended the same high school, and are really close." She informed.

"When you say close, you mean..." I trailed off frowning, remembering the sad look on her face when we met. "Siblings. They're like siblings." She completed, knowingly. "So, she's going to be there too?" More the familiar faces, the better. I really don't want to be that person who has no one to talk to in a party, although Duncan assured me that we wouldn't be sticking around for long.

"No, actually. Currently she's out on a business trip. Not to mention Keith too is in Italy taking care of his grandparents' business." I hummed in response, not really caring about the extra detail. "So, how do these parties actually work?" Helena let out a heavy sigh. "Uh to be honest it's not... I don't know how to say this. It's a normal celebratory event with speeches and mingling. Just be careful of what you talk about and with whom you talk. Not everyone has the best intentions."

"Sounds fun." Sarcasm dripped from my tone as I grimaced just at the thought of being there.

"You've no idea." She chuckled. A buzz was heard around the room, indicating that someone was at the door. Has to be Gary, I thought. Other than Duncan and I, only Gary had the clearance to get through the main gate. And since Duncan wasn't supposed to be back from wherever he was until an hour before the party, it had to be Gary. "Helena, I got to go. I'll see you at the party?"

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