Why do you ask?

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Evangeline's POV

"Mom! Kyle snooped through my mobile without my permission." Here goes another normal day of my life.

"Kylie, I'm your brother. I was just doing what an older brother should do for his sister."

"Kyle, for the love of God! We are twins and it's me who is three minutes older than you." Oh, how I love to hear the twins banter, while eating cereals. Not.

"What do you mean we don't have enough money!?" Well, this was the only thing missing to complete a normal day in the Davis household.

"Well, if you would just stop spending money like water maybe then we wouldn't have been seeing this day!" I sighed as father's voice echoed through out the house.

"So, now this is all my fault? Is it my fault that you failed to maintain a steady job?" I glanced at the twins to see the glum look on their faces as Kyle comforted his sister.

This wasn't the proper leave alone the best environment for the fourteen year olds to grow up. Even though I was their older sister, I wasn't any help. Yes, I had a good job which paid me a good amount of money but it still wasn't enough.

"Hey, want me to drop you off to school?" the twins looked up at me and nodded as they gave me a small smile.

We shuffled out of the kitchen and made our way to the front door. "We're off!" I announced even though I knew nobody cared.

"I call shotgun!" Kyle exclaimed as he ran towards my white beetle, making Kylie scowl and run after him. I walked over to the driver side of the car while laughing at my siblings' antics.

Within minutes I was parking outside the twins' school, the same school where I studied. The twins got off laughing about some inside joke they shared. Hearing the twins laugh was something that always made me happy. Their laugh was like an assurance that everything would be fine.

"Goodbye Angie." they chorused and waved as they walked away towards the school building. I watched them until they were out of sight before driving away.

Next destination New York Historical Society, which happened to be my work place. It has been five years since I work there as a Post-excavation Analyst. My job is to clean and analyze the freshly excavated artifacts in specialised labs built in the lower levels of the historical society.

Since, I was a kid I was already in love with history and museums. So, I pursued it further in college.

My phone's ringing snapped me out of my thoughts and I mentally reprimanded myself for being so careless while driving. I stopped the car at the red light and answered the call without checking the Id.

"Hey Evangeline! Where are you?" Nick, one of my colleagues asked breathlessly.

"I'm on my way. Why? What happened?"

"Hurry up, a new batch of artifacts just came in and we need to get them analysed as soon as possible." he rushed out, most probably running around.

"Calm down. I will be there in ten. And Nick don't knock down any artifact while you run around like a mad man." I took a left and smiled when Historical Society building came into my view.

"How did you--"

"Not important." I cut him off before hanging up. I park my car in the underground parking for the staff and start running.

"Hey Ben." I greet the doorman as he opens the door for me.

I keep running, greeting the other staff on the way. But, I'm stopped when two strong arms wrap around me.

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