Since When?

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Tuesday rolled by with still no sign of Duncan. Seriously, with his skill he can easily go off the grid if he wants and to be honest it's a bit unnerving.

Once again I made my way around the empty house getting ready for another day at work.  I typed another message to Duncan as I walked to the waiting car and plopped down on the back seat.

I'll find you. >:(

I dropped my phone back in the bag as I focused on the view outside while Gary drove me to work. I'll find Duncan at any cost, he owes me so many answers. He told me to look him up and now I can't even trust google. Helena never ended up telling me anything after the damned cliffhanger 'it's nothing but a cover'. Who the hell does that?! To make things worse Duncan is busy being an eel which keeps slipping away from my grasp.

Once we reach our destination, I slam the car door shut as I stomp my way up the stairs to the entrance of The Historical Society and then to the lab.

"Chief, th--"

"Not in the mood." I snapped as I went right past Tracey and entered the privacy of the office.

"What's wrong, Evangeline?" I ignored Nick as he entered the office and took a seat in front of me. "Evangeline, you very well know that ignoring me, doesn't work." He added when I remained quiet. "Leave, Nick. I don't want to talk to anyone." I grumbled as I focused on a report. I glared at Nick when he snatched the report from me and read through it.

Closing the file, he gave me a disapproving look as he tossed it on the filing cabinet. "Evangeline, you already reviewed that report yesterday! What is wrong with you?"

I stand up abruptly, almost knocking my seat down. "What is it to you? I am the in-charge here, I can review that report as many times I want. Who are you to tell me anything?" I glared down at him while he just stared at me coolly. I huffed as I stared at him completely frustrated. Letting out a sigh, he stood up. He adjusted his glasses on his nose as blonde locks covered his forehead, almost touching the top of his glasses. "As a friend, I'll advice you to get your shit together and not make a fool out of yourself." He took out a manila envelop from the inside of his jacket and placed it on my desk. "I came here to give you the lab test that came back regarding that fire box. Maybe it will help lift your mood." He adjusted the headphone around his neck before turning on his heels and leaving.

I dropped on my seat and quickly opened the envelope and pulled the results out of it. I flipped through the pages as I read every single detail on it. Once I was done reading, I put the papers back into the envelope and locked it inside the safe.

99% purity....

20 matches....

The results were contradictory but even then, it could be one of the priceless pieces that ever surfaced in the world. It could be the thing that Duncan is looking for but so can be the paintings. The paintings that we found in the trap room were authentic. But the fact that they were not on the list of works of their respective creators, increased its value by a lot. I walk out of my office to look for Nick. Other than me only Nick knew about the fire box and I wanted to keep it like that until we could make a rough estimate of its value. I look around the lab but don't spot him.

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