How Long?

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Okay so here is an early update since I got super psyched to see actual people reading this book. As you can guess I'm not used to this.

The chapter has conflicting emotions since I wrote it at 3am. Don't ask me why I did that. Not my best chapter but I love it anyways.

New character entry in this book. The guy above is the guy I think resembles my image of the character the most.

Enjoy the chapter and do tell me how you came across this book. Just to feed my curiosity. :))



"Yes, Eva, there's a catch." Duncan smirked. "The thing is only I would be signing the papers before marriage." I frowned at his words.

"You see, I'm not getting anything from marrying you." Ouch. He stood up and walked towards the glass wall before facing me. "You must be thinking 'then what about my reasons behind agreeing to marrying you?' Well, that too my love is for your own welfare. I'll tell you the details later when the time is right." I glared at him but he was already staring outside. When the heck is the right time, that he keeps talking about?

"Now Eva, I'll let you in on a secret." Duncan had a faraway look as if he was reminiscing something. "I hate my father's side of family and everything to do with them. But there is one thing I liked about them which I will follow." I watched him wide eyed since this was the first time he had mentioned anything about his father. Earlier he had talked about his mother but not about his father. But the affection and fondness that was present when he talked about his mother was now replaced with anger as he spoke about his father.

He looked back at me and smiled softly. "You asked me yesterday, what if I fell in love with someone else and left you for them? My answer is I won't leave you because in my father's side of family, family used to be given a lot of importance due to which the men have always believed in marrying once in life and cherish their wives for the rest of their lives. Even. After. Death." I just stared at him shocked at his words. "You may or may not be the love of my life but you're the women I'll promise to cherish, respect and support even if you leave me." He looked at me and chuckled. "Don't look so scared, Eva. I'm not trying to force you into anything or guilt trip you. As I said I'll respect and support you, which includes your decisions too, even if they are not what I want."

"Wh-what..." I gulped, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. "What you're trying to say is that if I leave'll never marry again?" I almost got teary eyed at the thought of him being alone for the rest of his life if I left him. Duncan already didn't have any family and me leaving him will guarantee the lack of family in his life. I can't let that happen, the guilt will kill me. But, I can't stay either...

"Evangeline." I focussed back to my surrounding to see a frowning Duncan. When did he get so close? "Stop thinking about what will happen to me. Right now you should only think about what you want in your life. Don't let anyone or anything cloud your judgement. Not even the pity you feel towards me. Which I might add, I don't appreciate." I nodded reluctantly.

"Now to the last part." He stepped away from me. "I'll sign the divorce papers but on the condition that you'll have to give this marriage and us a proper chance. And not be of the mindset that you need to get out of this arrangement. So, keeping all that in mind, I'll sign the papers for a future date which would be before our wedding completes a year and after a period which I deem would be enough to nullify my reason for marrying you. And last but not the least, you will not be told the date. Ins-"

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