A Game?

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Should I give a warning?
Translation in the comments section


"I thought you said, you had no ex. But, apparently you had something good." I taunted as I sat down on the bed and crossed my legs before looking up at him expectantly.

"It's not like that." He sighed. "Right..." I rolled my eyes. With the number of men that have used this I'm surprised they still think it works. I watched him patiently, waiting for an explanation. I never believed in jumping to conclusion unless I had proof or an legitimate explanation from the person himself. I liked to believe that it was one of the by product of working as an analyst. Always look for clues, never jump to conclusions. Everybody and everything deserved the benefit of doubt.

Although right now it was turning out to be really difficult to keep every nagging voice at bay. Duncan Marshall was a man, gift wrapped in mystery, and only he could decide when and how much wrapping came off. Until then, you were condemned to the endless game of guessing and assuming.

"Duncan." I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, when he continued to stand their stone-faced. "Just lay it on me." It can't be that bad, right? He huffed as he  pushed himself off the wall. "Let's take this somewhere else. If I'm to disclose private information I'd rather not do it in someone else's house." I went to protest but one look from him, had me shutting up. He mutely packed his suit in a garment bag and left the room after giving me a look to follow him.

I walked behind him as he navigated through the corridors. His back was straight and his hands shoved in his jeans pockets, giving off an aloof cold vibe. Which I realised was only the second time, I felt from him, in five months. But I would be worried if he had acted any differently to the current situation that we are in. Tearing my gaze away from him, I looked around the corridor to see if it was the same way we had come in. But all the corridors looked the same to me except the photographs on the wall.

Soon enough, Duncan stopped at a door and opened it to reveal, what seemed to be an extended deck which lead to a garden, that was lit with fairy-lights. The deck had couches placed in a square formation, in level with the floor boards. Further this the landscaped garden looked enchanting, thanks to the fairy-lights. Which I guess was added for the party in case somebody decided to come back here to enjoy some quiet. I gawked at the beauty of the setting as I imagined how peaceful and wonderful it would be to lounge out here. It looked like the perfect place to think, read or come up with new ideas.

I snapped out of my gawking when I realised that Duncan was walking further ahead along the flowered hedges. I hurried after him covering the distance in strides but came to halt a little behind him when he glanced over his shoulder. It was honestly, confusing to be around him when he went all cold. It made you feel uncomfortable and the frigid look in his eyes seemed to have the power to freeze you. But, it also felt as if you couldn't leave, because once gone there was no coming back.

It was the sound of a car door opening that made me realize that I'd zoned out yet again. I tuned back into my surrounding to see Duncan and Gary engaged in a hushed conversation, while Gary held the door open to the backseat of the car. Not wanting to interrupt another one of Duncan's private conversations, I wordlessly slid inside the car. I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor mat of the car, waiting for them to get over with their conversation. It was complete torture right now to sit idle in silence. The thoughts were too loud and damaging. Dragging my thoughts to places where there was no positivity.

Who exactly was this woman he was talking to? Duncan had told me about his old feelings for Clarissa then why say nothing about this woman? And how did he mess up their relationship? Did he still like her?

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