When Can I Go Back?

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"Since when is his house, your home?" Alex scoffed.

"Since the day we got married." A new voice spoke up. I turned my face in the direction of the voice but I could only make out the outline of a man. And judging by his outline, one could safely say that the guy worked out everyday.

"Ooh, hello there Mr Hunky Monkey." I blabbered out without thinking. And what I said must be either very stupid or exceptional since both the men froze. "Oops, sorry! Drunken word vomit, please continue. Don't stop because of little old me." I giggled drunkenly.

"Evangeline, are you okay?" A warm familiar voice asked as equally warm and comforting arms wrapped around me, pulling me to their chest. The familiar feeling made me melt in his arms. "Duncan..." I sighed.

Wait, Duncan?

Placing my palms on his chest, I pushed back to peer up at him but my eyes were too cloudy to make out the details of his face. I slid my hands up and cupped his face as I grazed my fingers softly over his face. "Duncan, is that really you?" A stupid grin took over my face. After almost a week, he was finally in front of me.

"Yes." Came his clipped reply. I felt a tug on my arm as I was ripped away from Duncan. I whimpered as I tripped in my heels and crashed into someone. I could hear people arguing but what they were saying wasn't clear to me. Non too soon, I felt another tug on my arm and this time I was back next to Duncan and he started pulling me away. I kept tripping as he pulled me along until my ankle twisted a bit making me groan out in pain.

"What's wrong?" He stopped mid stride.

"My feet." I groaned as I leaned against him, tiredly. He pushed me slightly so that I was now again leaning against the wall. He bent down and lifting my feet one by one removed my heels. I sighed relieved as I felt the cold pavement under my feet. But the relief was short lived as I was hauled up and thrown over, my guess is Duncan's shoulder. I felt the blood rush to my head as bile rose up my throat. So, placing my palms on his back I pushed myself up, to send all the fluids back down.

"Put me down. I feel sick." I heard a soft click before being placed down on a soft seat, which I realised to be the seat of a car. Once I was strapped up safely, the paasenger side door closed. There were footsteps before the driver side door opened and in came Duncan. I watched as he looked for something in the backseat before holding out a bottle of water to me. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better." I took the bottle from him and drank the cool liquid. After downing half of its content, I felt myself sober up a bit but the exhaustion was much more dominant. I was drifting in and out of consciousness as the low mechanical hum of the car lulled me to sleep.

I giggled lowly when I remembered something. "What are you laughing at?" Duncan asked curiously from the driver side. "Nothing. It is just I swore to find you but you found me instead." By the time I finished the sentence, my voice had already turned into a whisper.

"Sleep, darling." Was the last thing I heard before I again drifted off to sleep.



I felt myself being lifted but didn't have the strength to react to it. I cuddled into the warmth around me as the person carrying me kept walking. After a few minutes, I felt myself being lowered onto the softness of a bed. There were footsteps going around the room, before I felt the bed dip signaling that somebody had sat down. "Wake up, princess. Evangeline." I just whined in protest as I buried my face into the pillow. "Come on, love. You need to drink some water." I huffed as I opened my eyes and pushed myself into a sitting position. Going around me, Duncan adjusted the pillows so that I was more comfortable. I gazed sleepily at him to see that a proper beard had formed on his face while his eyes looked dull, tired and in immediate need for rest.

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