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"Good morning. My name is Evangeline Davis and I'm incharge of the labs. Um, you must be the head of the new security agency that was hired?" I walked to the lab entrance to greet the guests.

"Good morning, Ms Davis." the guy in the suit smiled charmingly "But, I'm afraid I'm not the person you think I am. Our head, the CEO had to go for an emergency meeting. So, he sent me in his place. I'm his secretary Herbert McCallister."

"Ah..." I nodded in realisation. "I'm sorry, Mr McCallister. So tell me how may I be of assistance." I returned his smile and shook his hand.

"I was wondering if you could give me a tour and brief me regarding the current security and other stuff?"

"Sure." I smiled "Please, follow me."




"Thank you for the tour, Ms Davis. We will start changing the security system from next week. Till then make sure to let no one near the artifacts without checking the identity proofs."

We said our goodbyes as Mr McCallister left after taking a look around. And thankfully it was the lunch break right now because I am completely drained.

I could really do with some lone time, now.

I turned around to go back to my office to fetch my bag when I was stopped by the wall like figure in front of me. I gazed up to find Alex smiling down at me.

"You free for lunch now?"

"Yeah. I was just going to fetch my bag." I nodded as my eyes darted from him to the way to the lab.

"So, I'll wait here? Then we can go together." My eyes snapped back to him and guilt creeped on me.

"Actually Alex. I was thinking on having lunch alone today." I laughed awkwardly but quickly added when I saw disappointment flash on his face "It's just that since morning I've been surrounded with so many people that I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic."

"Oh...ok. It's ok, I'll just be going then." with that he quickly turned on his heels and started heading out.

"I'll meet you after work!" I called, to which he gave me a quick wave before disappearing out of the door. I hurried back to my office and was already heading out with my purse in my hand. I walked out of the front door greeting Ben in the process. I walked straight out of the gates instead of going to the parking lot since I was in a mood to walk today.

I had heard that a new Indian food place had opened three blocks from the Historical Society so it was a good chance to pay it a visit. I kept walking, passing various corporate buildings in the process while cars whizzed past me on the road.

I looked up as the glass skyscrapers scored the sky reflecting sunrays giving off rainbows of colours. Birds flew up in the blue sky which was dotted by white fluffy clouds. The contrast was blinding as up in the sky it was so calm and quiet while down here it was noisy with the passing traffic and people clad in business attires chatting away with each other. This is what I missed when I had people around me asking me for instructions, informations and my attention, the feeling of being just a mere existence whose presence was of no importance to people and things around me. It was a feeling of no responsibility and no care in the world. It was a feeling of liberation.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts and my steps halt when a scream pierces through the air. I look to my right only to see that I was standing in front of the entrance of another corporation's driveway.

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