Doesn't It Scare You?

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Translations in the in-line comments.


Evangeline's POV

My head was throbbing, as if it had been hit with a sledge hammer. I shivered and goose bumps covered every inch of my skin, as I felt ice cold breeze on my skin. My wrap dress did nothing to keep me warm. I opened my eyes and looked around me, disoriented.

Bare concrete walls and floors, crumbling with age. Graffiti. Big archways. Broken windows. The only source of light being the one electric lamp placed at a far corner of the room.

What is this place?

I squinted my eyes to try and see anything more in the partial darkness, but it only sent a shot of pain up my spine. I tried to cradle my head, only to find myself unable to move my hands. I realized through the semi haze that I was in, that both my hands were restrained together at the back with a thin strip of something that dug into my skin when I tried to move. Furthermore, my torso was restrained to the backrest of the metal chair, that I was seated on.

This seemed to clear the haze, as the memories came back. Frantic, I surged forward in my seat, only to sink back in, when I felt the painful pressure of the restraints on my abdomen. My eyes widened in fear, as I properly took in my surrounding. 

If I didn't know who brought me here, I would fully be expecting a killer clown to jump out and chop my body into tiny pieces. Not like, I wasn't expecting it anyway, and the dark wasn't helping. Plus aren't kidnappers supposed to keep an eye on their hostage? So, where in the world is my guard? The killer clown can have him first.

Or better yet, I'll offer up Felix, the janitor, and Alex, the ex, for sacrifice. Once I get out of here, I'll make sure Alexander Fletcher meets a slow painful death. He not only cheated on me but also went ahead to betray me and the Society.

I glanced out of the window, taking note of the darkness outside. It was clearly night time, so I had been here for either only a couple of hours or for a day. So, Duncan must be either on his way back or already here. I just need to hang on for a few more hours, and he'll be here.

Although, a part of me hopes that he won't come for me. Because at the end of all this I'm just a bargaining chip like his mom and sister were. His father wants him to come back with him to wherever he lives, and I'm just the lure.

Hopefully, hypothermia won't get the best of me, before things go down. But, that seems more likely, with it being so freezing in here.


Hours seemed to have passed, as I sat there alone in the dark and cold. Drifting in and out of consciousness. I could no longer feel my face, fingers or toes. I couldn't help shivering from the cold and every part of me seemed to hurt. 

My head shot up when I heard footsteps echo. I stared at the archway, my heart racing, waiting for someone to step out of the darkness. Light splashed across one side of the archway, as the echos got louder. I stiffened as a man appeared at the archway.

I flinched when he flashed the light directly at me, blinding me. "Looks like you're finally awake." The voice was gruff, heavily accented and devoid of any emotion. I felt the glare of the light disappear and felt him come near, before hearing the dull sound of something being placed in front of me.

I opened my eyes to see the man sit on a wooden chair, that had been placed right in front of me. My eyes trailed up, taking in his well fitted trousers and the thick brown duffel coat.

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