What Should I Wear?

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Sunday morning found me in the library with a pile of books in my hand. These were the books that I'd taken out of the library to read over the last two, now almost three months. But this was more to distract me than organizing the books back to their places.

Friday night, Clarissa woke up but Duncan refused to visit her. He said she already had enough visitors but I could see the fear in his eyes. The fear of being hated and blamed by his own friend. But that was him assuming things and I wasn't going to have any part of it, so after a long argument, I finally convinced him to visit her in the morning while I stayed back. This was the time when Clarissa needed her friends and family the most, she didn't need an unknown face there.

As promised, Duncan left the next morning and still hadn't returned. The last time we talked, I burst into tears when I heard the heart-wrenching wails of Clarissa in the background. Just thinking about her makes me tear up. I can't even begin to imagine what she must be feeling right now. The reason why, I didn't dare to call Duncan again.

I huffed and put the pile of books on the ground. I picked the book on top and started climbing the wooden ladder that was there to access the books higher up. Once I was at the suitable height, I reached out to my right to place the book in the empty slot where it belonged. I was just about to push the hardbound in when my phone started blaring in my pocket. I dropped the book with a gasp as my grip on the ladder faltered. I clawed at the shelves as I tried to find a grip as I felt my foot slip. Thankfully, I managed to get a grip both on the shelf and the ladder, at the same time I lost my footing. I pulled myself closer to the ladder and planted my feet back on the step. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as I felt my heartbeat go into a rampage.

I think I just saw the white light.

In the midst of my little scare, I didn't realize my phone was still ringing. Slowly removing, one hand room the ladder, I fished my phone out of my jeans pocket. I looked at the caller ID and glared at the name flashing on the screen. I swiped the screen, accepting the call and before the caller could take his next breath, I snapped. "You son of a fücking bıtch! I swear to god, the next time I see you, I'll scoop your eyes out, cut your fingers into little bits then make a salad out of them before force feeding it to you. Just you wait you little insignificant piece of fish shit. You're a dead man walking! Just you wait." I was breathing hard by the time I was finished.

"I think your anger is a little misplaced?" Nick spoke slowly and cautiously as if afraid to aggravate me further. Too bad he just added petrol to the fire.

"My anger is misplaced? My. Anger. Is Misplaced? You have the damn nerve to say that to me? I almost fucking died because of you! And my anger is misplaced? Hunt, you better sleep with one eye open because, I'm coming for your donkey ass." I threatened. He let out an aggravated sigh. "I think you should sit down." He advised softly. I scoffed. "No can do. I'm standing on a ladder, which by the way, I almost fell off of all thanks to you." I replied sweetly. I was greeted by silence as he let that info sink in.

"Oh come on, Ange! Now, how was I possibly supposed to know that? Was I supposed to have some type of premonition that you were going to be on ladder, when I called? Cut me some slack, will ya!"

"Whatever." I grumbled after a while as I descended from the ladder. "So, why did you call?" I asked, picking up the book which I'd dropped before dropping it again in the pile. "Why, can't I call you whenever I want to, as friends? You never know, maybe I just wanted to hear your voice." I paused as I listened to him with a knowing smile.

"You want a favour, don't you?" I guessed and I was proven right when the line went silent. Looking down at the pile, I picked up the books that I had taken from the small balcony area. Balancing my phone between my ear and shoulder, I headed to the metal steps.

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