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Unknown POV (Age 08)

My breath came out in pants as I lay down on the ground completely exhausted. My whole body was covered in cuts and bruises which made any kind of movement painful. Today was one of my better days so the injuries weren't that bad and I was happy with the little improvement I made.

It was a beautiful day as I just stared up at the clear blue sky where the sun shone brightly. I sighed as the warmth of the sun gave me momentary comfort from the coldness I felt within me.

"Cosa ci fai ancora qui, Val?" I squinted my eyes as a shadow loomed over me, blocking the sun rays. "You should go in." I grinned as I pushed myself into a sitting position before Uncle Gerome helped me to my feet. "You did good, kiddo. Keep this up and no one will ever be able to beat you in hand to hand combat."

"Did I make papa proud, today?" I asked hoping he would say yes. Papa has high expectations for me and I don't want to let him down.

"You make him proud every single day, ragazzino." He gave me a pat as we started walking towards the mansion, where we lived. "But kiddo, I think instead of living to please your Papa, you should atleast acknowledge your limits. No matter what anyone wants from you if it's outside your limit, you need to give up. Never cross that line bambino, because then you will never be able to come back." I watched him with scrunched up face while he looked ahead. Uncle had dark brown hair with equally dark eyes but his eyes looked like the bitter beverage adults drink in the morning when light reflected on them. He had an angular jawline with a light beard adorning it along with the scar that was on his cheekbone.

"I don't understand, uncle Gerome." I stared at him in confusion to which he sighed and opened the porch door for me to enter. "Don't worry. When the time comes you'll understand my words." He smiled. "Now go, get cleaned up and see if your madre needs anything." I nodded happily, I was going to see ma. I rushed in but stopped to look back at him.

"Zio, did you ever cross that line?" I asked.

"I did." He gave me a faint smile with a nod.

"Do you regret it?"

"I do."

"Then I won't ever cross that line." I said with conviction. "Ma says we should never do things that we would end up regretting in the future."

"You should listen to your ma." He smiled fondly at me.

"Always do." I ran away. I headed towards the stairs to head into my room to get cleaned up but decided to take a detour through the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see the kitchen staff running around doing their work. I looked around until I found the person I was looking for. Tip toeing closer, I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Mama."

She turned around and kneeled down in front of me. "My baby--" she was cut off by the gasp that left her when her eyes landed on my bruises. Her smile morphed into a look of concern as she scanned my face. "Again? I wish I could protect you from this. Doesn't it hurt?"

"It does." I nodded. "But papa said strong men don't let their pain show, it is a sign of weakness. And I'm not weak mama, I'm strong." I grinned. "I made papa proud, maybe he'll not hurt you, today." A really sad look took over her face before it turned into a  frown.

"You made him proud? How many boys did you beat in combat, today?" She questioned, taking a hold of my hands. "Five." I stated proudly although ma never approved of me taking combat lessons. Placing a kiss on my forehead, she stood back up. "Go to Serafina, she'll help you get cleaned up. Your tutor will be here soon. Oh, and later can you also check up on your sister, in her room?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course, mama!" I turned around and started heading out of the kitchen.

"Don't get too busy playing with her, Val!" She called out before I left the kitchen. I bounded up the stairs as I headed towards my sorellina's room. I slowed down, when I noticed two peopled huddled together down the corridor. I noticed the familiar figure of the man, and tentatively walked towards them. If I could I would avoid this, but I needed to walk past them to get to my sorellina. "Papa?" The two people hurriedly stepped away from each other, I saw papa look at me with calm eyes as I looked between him and the woman he had pushed up against the wall moments ago. His dead cold eyes sparked with interest when they landed on me. "Mio figlio! You did really good today. Papa is proud of you." He said but my eyes were trained on the woman, who was scantily dressed and was glaring down at me. But I didn't look away, papa had taught me never to look away first. Because it proves that I am stronger and not scared of anyone. "Papa, who is she?" I asked.

"No one important, son. Just an acquaintance of mine." I nodded. "I'll take my leave now, papa." He gave me a nod, allowing me to continue down the corridor. I looked back over my shoulder once I was a few meters away, only to see the woman pull papa inside a room.

I wish I was stronger.


Next chapter in 24 hours.

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