Where Else Would I Be?

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He still wasn't awake.

It has been a month now, and he still won't wake up. The doctors said that he wasn't responding to the medication. And I didn't know what to do other than spend all my time with him.

I had been discharged from the hospital a little over a week ago. But I hadn't seen any less of the hospital after that, if not more. I had even taken to curling up next to him on his bed, and sleeping. I just couldn't sleep without him, next to me.

After I had been released, I had went straight home. Even though mom had asked me to stay with her. But, I refused to stay at our home too. It was too big and full of memories. It just got too lonely. So, I packed up my bag and moved into Duncan's apartment on Riverside Drive.

I watched the clock, it was a quarter to ten. One of the nurses would be in any time now, to check his vitals. I smiled down at Duncan, while I played with his hair. It had grown out its usual length, and I was planning on giving it a trim tomorrow.

The door creaked open and light splashed in from the corridor. "I see you're still here." I directed my smile at the blonde nurse, Sofia. After, spending the amount of time I did here, I had made it my business to get friendly with all the nurses and doctors, dealing with Duncan.

"Where else would I be?" I shrugged, catching the knowing smile she shot me, while she checked his pulse. "You could be in your bed, but I'm guessing you've planned another sleepover?" She guessed.

"You know it." I winked at her, before glancing at Duncan. "Is everything fine?" I asked, like I did everytime he was looked over by a medical professional. "Everything is normal." She confirmed, as she looped her stethoscope back around her neck. "Seems like you'll have a lot to do tomorrow." She mused, her eyes moving assessingly over Duncan.

Once, I was discharged, I had taken over Duncan's hygiene regime. Which included, giving him his periodic wipe down, nail clipping, hair trimming and shaving. There were a few more stuff, but that was still taken care by the hospital staff.

And tomorrow was no different but other than the regular stuff, there were additional stuff to do too like the hair trim and shaving. Duncan was starting to develop a beard.

"What's wrong?" Sofia prodded, and I realized, I had zoned out. "Nothing." I brushed it off but nurses are too sharp to not catch when a person is lying. "Angie." She shot me her disapproving look. I sighed, caving in. "It's been four weeks already."

Her eyes softened. "He'll wake up, Angie. He's just not ready yet." She spoke, sympathetically. I frowned and shook my head. "When is the right time, Sofia? Just another week or two maybe and the doctors will start hinting that I should pull the plug on him."

"Angie." Her eyes went wide at my outburst. "That won't happen." I shook my head, walking backward, before dropped on the the couch. "He hasn't woken up, Sofia. Nor is he showing any signs of waking up." She wordlessly, poured a glass of water and sat down next to me. "Drink." She handed me the glass then proceeded to rub my back.

"Angie, Duncan has fully healed physically, and is showcasing the right amount of brain activity. There is absolutely no reason that he won't wake up, and the doctors know it. Duncan is going to be fine, Angie." She assured me, and I half believed her.

"If that's the case, then he should already be awake. But he's not." I countered. Sofia squeezed my hand with hers, trying to get through to me. "He's just not ready, Angie."

"Why?" My voice came out as a whine, making me cringe. "What is he waiting for? A kiss of true love?" I asked incredulously. "He's not Sleeping Beauty." She nodded. "You're right, he's not." A sly grin appeared on her face. "But, maybe you should give that theory a shot."

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