What If I Fall?

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"Wake up, love."

I heard his voice call me. My eyes cracked open and blinked furiously to adjust them to the light and clear my vision. My head rolled up and to the side, noticing the blurry figure in front of me.

"Yes. Eva. Look at me." I groaned softly, when I felt warm hands cup my face, and fell forward. Wait, fell forward? My eyes zeroed in on my hand that lay limp on my lap. I lifted it up and placed it on the arm that held my face.

My eyes drift up, and my vision was filled with aquamarine orbs. My eyes widened in recognition and relief and couldn't control the small sob that escaped me. "Duncan," I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his neck, while his arms held me close.

"I'm here." He whispered to me while he sifted through my hair, in a comforting manner. He pulled away from me and took a leather glove off, before pushing my hair out of my face. "You're still a little warm." He mused softly as he eyed me with concern. His eyes dropped down and my eyes followed his, to my left thigh which was covered by a white rectangular bandage.

Seeing the bandage, brought back memories of what happened before I blacked out. "Can you stand?" He asked with a worried frowned, but nonetheless pulled me to my feet before I could answer. Once I was up, he slowly let me go but it only made me sag against him.

It could be because I was seated for an extended period or because something was wrong with my leg. Duncan refused to look up and kept staring at my injured leg, and I could tell he was worried that the latter was the issue.

"Can you put pressure on your left leg?" He asked, and I shifted my weight on my left leg, wincing at the feel of the wound getting jostled. "Yeah." I nodded, as I held onto his arms for balance. My leg was fine, but I knew I was in no condition to walk, unless it was in a very slow pace.

"They want you." I heard myself say, as we held onto each other. "I know." He whispered distractedly. I looked up at him, but his eyes were busy scanning and assessing our surrounding. "You shouldn't be here." I said strongly, making his eyes snap to me. His eyes swam with anger, worry and confusion as he pinned me with a light glare.

"I was always meant to be here, Evangeline. You, on the other hand, should've been far away from here." I frowned up at him, at his answer, as he took my hands and wrapped them around his neck. My frown turned into confusion, as he held my eyes.

My eyes broke away from his, when I heard a zip. I watched as he unzipped his leather jacket and pulled it off. He walked us backwards and made me sit back on the chair as he put the jacket on me and zipped it back up, right up to my chin.

I had so many questions to ask him but the determined look on his face made me hold back. I watched confused as he walked away and peered out of every single window, before moving to the next. I noticed, he had a white turtleneck sweater on over black jeans, with his feet clad in boots. He also appeared to have a utility belt around his waist along, with a thigh holster, which housed both a gun and a knife.

A sliver fear ran through me at the thought that at the end it may come down to a gun fight. Which also meant possible deaths. My eyes left him, focusing on the archway instead. I couldn't hear anyone coming, but my skin still crawled with dread. I was scared that someone would jump out any second.

I jumped, when I heard a dull creak. My eyes bouncing back towards Duncan, who had opened a window, with broken glass panes. I watched as he leaned out for a minute or so, doing god knows what.

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