Where Did You Get This?

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The next day was spent with Clarissa while Duncan volunteered to drop off my files at the society on his way to work. On his way out, he promised to get Gary to drop off a change of clothes for me. This gave me the chance have a proper conversation with Clarissa and hopefully get to know each other better.

Duncan had already left when Clarissa woke up and she surprisingly seemed to be in better spirits. "The nights are tough." She had confessed and apologised when she realized, we had crashed at her place for the night.

"Smells nice." Clarissa hummed as she entered the kitchen, freshly showered. I looked over my shoulder and smiled before going back to the mushroom cheese omelette that I was preparing. Placing the omelette on a dish, I went to the toaster where her toast was waiting then finally picked up the fruit bowl that I had prepared for her and placed them in front of her. She looked up at me with wide eyes while I grinned at her. "Eat up! I'll get you some tea that Duncan taught me to brew." I chirped, going back to the stove.

Perks of living with a tea enthusiast. Although he does prefer coffee in the morning.

"Angie, it's too much. I don't think I can finish it." I heard her whine and turned to give her a stern look. "Clarissa, if anything then that's not even enough food. But, I already used everything in the refrigerator to prepare that so I can't make anything more. So, I don't want to see any leftovers or hear anymore whining. You already haven't eaten for over 24 hours. Not to mention you're eating for two, now."

Her smile dropped at my words as she prodded at her toast. Was I too harsh? I sighed and sat down opposite to her at the dining table. "How are you feeling, Clary?" She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Yeah, I'm good." She forced a grin. "I'm going to be a mom." I gave her an unsure look. She didn't look okay and for obvious reasons. "Oh, don't look at me like that." She chided, waving it off. "It's just the thought of being a single mother that's a bit hard to get used to."

"But, I don't want to talk about me anymore. We've already done that enough last night." She added with renewed excitement. "Plus, I want to get my mind off of all this death, pregnancy and single mom thoughts."

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"How about," She pretended to think for a few seconds. "You tell me about you and Duncan." I chuckled at the mischievous spark in her eyes before getting off my seat and going to brew the tea. "There nothing much to say." I shrugged, opening and closing different cabinets looking for the tea leaves that Gary had dropped off with my clothes. Where did I keep it?


"Yes?" I looked over my shoulder to see her having a serious look on her face. "I need to ask you something." A frown appeared on my face. Why is she saying this like she is going to tell me that my non-existent pet dog just got mauled by her car? "Yes, go ahead." I smiled nervously. "Can you please sit down first?" I nodded and complied. "Okay, I'm seated now. What do you want to ask?"

"I want to know your decision."

"My decision?" I looked at her puzzled. Which decision is she talking about? "Decision on what?"

"Have you decided on whether you want to divorce Duncan or not?" She asked with a bit urgency. We both stared at each other with wide eyes. Where my eyes were wide from the shock of her question, her's were wide with curiosity and worry. "I-I-uh...." I stuttered not being able to gather my thoughts enough, to form an answer for her question. "Um, no. No, I haven't decided yet." I finally answered after gathering my wits.

She let out a relieved sigh. "At least not a 'yes, I'm divorcing him'." She breathed under her breath, but I still heard it. She then looked up at me frantic eyes and grabbed my hands. "You need to hurry up with your decision, Angie."

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