What Do You Want?

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It has been almost two weeks that Duncan and I have been married. And it has been amazing so far in our own way. Although we have been busy with our own work. For the past two weeks, I've been taking cooking lessons from Duncan and man he even makes chopping vegetable look hot. Anyways getting back to my cooking skills, I'm glad to say that I've been now declared to be kitchen safe.

The first weekend after our marriage, Duncan finally gave me the much needed house tour, thanks to which I've now found my favourite room in this whole house. The library. It was a room with a high ceiling, high enough to be considered equivalent to two storey. Books both old and new were stacked from floor to ceiling, on two of the walls of the room. While the third wall happened to be a glass wall just like the living room, allowing the readers a view of the forest. There were couches and desks scattered in the large room and on one of the wall with books was a metal stair which lead up to a small sitting area fit for two which was suspended by a pair of cable wires that connected it to the in-laid ceiling and had rails that kept it anchored to the wall of the in-built book shelf.

At work everyone is working hard on the wreckage of Luciantra and the work is progressing fine. I sometimes see Alex sneaking glances at me or hanging near the restricted area but I prefer to ignore him. Talking to him is too much drama. On the other hand Duncan hasn't mention anything else about our 'Luciantra' connection and I've decided to let it go until something drastic happens. And to be honest it doesn't even cross my mind anymore.

Currently, I was staring at another container from Luciantra. I must admit, this is getting a bit boring. Being one of the most infamous wreckage, we had thought we would find something new but we still haven't come across anything that will scream 'I'm amazing and something you'll never see again'.

Once I was done working on all of its content, I came across a box which looked like a normal rectangular block of wood. But I wasn't being able to figure out how it was opened. I turned it around in my hand trying to figure out how it was opened. There were beautiful flower engravings on it along with something written in a foreign script. But the most surprising part was that even after spending decades underwater there were no signs of rotting on the wood. There were scrapes and other telltale signs of damage but nothing major. But how the hell do I open this piece of wood?

After glaring at the wooden block in my hand, I looked up. "Nick, can you please call Julia for me?" I asked Nick when he came out of the storage room after returning some of the artefacts to their place. He gave me a nod and left. Julia was a part of the legal team who also happened to be a linguist, who specialised in different languages and their evolution. So, I thought if I couldn't open the box then at least I would know what's engraved on it.

Till the time Julia arrived, I decided to continue prodding and pulling the box in the hopes of opening it. Clicking of heels made me look up to see Julia walking towards me with Nick in tow. Julia Silverton is who you'll call the perfect example of beauty with brains. Coming from a family of models, she had inherited an amazing body and near perfect facial features, with a great taste in fashion. But also had the intellect to bring any top lawyer to their knees.

"You called?" She flashed me a Hollywood smile as her eyes did a quick sweep of my counter. "Yeah..." I picked up the box and looked at her to see her eyeing the box with curiosity, while she pulled on a pair of rubber gloves. "There's something engraved on this box and I was thinking if you could shed some light on the text engraved on it." She tentatively took the box from me. "This is a box?" She asked surprised which didn't really faze me because let's face it that thing didn't look like a box.

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