What Happened?

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Nothing is better than having not to worry about getting up on a particular time so as to not be late for some work. And thanks to good lord Nickolas, I had this opportunity today and he deserves every single favor he wants of it.


Yes. There is always a but. Because with every good thing comes something bad.

True to those words, I had the great opportunity to sleep in but not the luck to utilise it. So, that is how I'm now sitting on my bed cursing the world because my parents couldn't keep the urge to spit venom at each other at bay for one day.

It was now ten and I had woken up at half past five to help the twins pack for their school trip and see them off before getting back under the covers. Begrudgingly I get out off bed to get ready for the day.

When I got downstairs, the fire still hadn't been extinguished. Quite the contrary if you ask me, considering the awful sound of glass meeting hardwood floors echoed throughout the house. To tell the truth, by now I had grown accustomed to all this. Twelve years are enough to grow accustomed to something.

Not wanting to nurse a headache which their angry voices were bound to give me, I decided to have my breakfast at some café or diner instead. So, grabbing my keys, I head to my car.

I drive to a nearby diner called Rhonda's Dine-In where I am greeted by a cheerful middle aged woman with laugh lines marring her features. I occupy a table for two which overlooked the diner front and go through the menu.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm Lillian and I'll be your waiter for the day. Have you decided on your order?" A girl younger than me with brown hair and eyes asked with a smile.

"Hello, Lillian. I would like to have the English breakfast along with a nice cup of coffee?" I replied with a smile.

"Coming right up!" she nodded before walking away with the menu. I stare out from the glass wall as I watch few people walking up and down the road. Now that I was out of bed, I was out of things to do too. Maybe I'll just go back to the lab a bit early.

"Here you go!" my head snap to the source of the voice only to see a plate of food and a cup of steaming coffee being slid in front of me.

"Thank you."

"I'm just doing my job." Lillian shrugs "Just call or wave if you need anything else." I nodded before she walked away to clean a table which had just been vacated.

I was almost done and was going to stab the last bacon strip when my phone went off.

"Lee?" I answered after checking the caller Id.

"Chief, hey. I just wanted to ask can you come by the lab in like fifteen minutes? We are kind off facing a bit of a problem and don't know what to do." nervousness laced his voice as he spoke, maybe afraid I might refuse.

I looked down at my clothes a grey tank top with blue faded jeans and worn out sneakers. Not exactly work clothes but they would have to do. "Don't worry. I'll be there in ten. Why didn't Nick call?"

"Thank you, Angie!" atleast he now sounded relieved "Where Nick is concerned, he was scared to ask you to drop by seeing that he asked you to take some time off in the first place."

"Then tell him not to worry. I was going to drop by early anyways. Can't find anything to do, I was bored."

Laughter filled the other end of the line "Get a hobby or something, Angie. See you in a few." the call disconnected. I completed the rest of the food and asked Lillian to bring the bill. After settling the transaction I get in my car and drive to the Historical Society.

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