How Good Are You?

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"Where are we going?" I asked as I gazed out of the car window. It was Friday night and Duncan had picked me up.  After which, instead of going home, he took me out for dinner and now we were on our way to some unknown destination.

"Somewhere you wanted to go." Duncan answered, shifting lanes. "Don't worry, you'll like it." I hummed as I watched the city lights passing in a blur. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head on the cool glass of the window. "You're awfully quiet, tonight." He mused softly. I hummed in response before replying. "I just feel really relaxed. Like everything is going to be okay." I said hopefully.

I was greeted by silence as Duncan just stared ahead, focusing on the road. No words were spoken but his silence spoke a thousand words. He knew nothing was going to be okay, unless the threat was dealt with. And as much as I wanted to forget all of it, I knew he was right. "We're almost there." He informed, as he took a turn, getting off the main road. I looked around to see the place being rather secluded, with a few shops here and there. Soon, Duncan parked the car in front of a illuminated, glass establishment, which seemed to stick out like a sore thumb among all the dark closed shops.

I got off the car and looked at the entrance of the establishment. Unlike any other store or business house, this one didn't have any sign board up, which made it hard to guess, what kind of place this was. I blinked surprised, when I felt a palm being gently placed on the small of my back. I felt the heat radiate off him, as Duncan stood beside me, also looking at the glass entrance.

"Let's go." He urged me forward, staying close to me. My heels clicked against the gravel road as we headed towards the entrance. The glass doors slid open as soon as we stepped in front of it. Stepping in, we were instantly hit by the cool air of the air conditioning. I glanced around, taking my surroundings in. The walls were coloured a bluish gray while the floor was of hardwood. Down the small corridor was the white reception desk, behind which sat a middle aged man with sandy blonde hair, who seemed to be busy writing something.

"Hey, Leroi." The man looked up at Duncan's greeting. "Duncan." He gave a curt nod along with a smile, as he put his pen down and quickly organized the papers he was working on. His gaze shifted to me before drifting back to Duncan. "She's the one you were talking about?" Duncan silently nodded while I looked between them confused. "Well, congratulations." He smiled before looking at me and offering his hand. "And it's a pleasure to meet you. The name's Leroi Martin, I'm the owner of this facility." I shook his hand, still not getting what this place was or why this guy was smiling at me as if he had known me my whole life. "Nice to meet you too, Leroi. My name is Evangeline." 

"I know." Giving me one last smile he turned to Duncan and handed him a form and a parcel. "This came in two days ago, for you." Duncan took both of them with a frown. He then quickly filled up the form before returning it to Leroi, who then scanned the form before giving a satisfied nod. "I hope I don't need to show you where you've to go." 

"No, not at all." Duncan replied looking up from the parcel. "Let's go." He said, placing his arm around me, urging me towards the corridor on my left. "Duncan." We stopped and looked back when Leroi called. "Don't worry, things will get better," He gave him a sad smile to which Duncan just gave a small nod back. We walked down the corridor, until my eyes landed on the glass window further down the corridor. A grin appeared on my face as I let out an excited squealbefore running down the corridor to the door, right next to the long window. I heard Duncan chuckle behind me, but ignored him as I tried to push the heavy door open, but it wouldn't budge. "Move." Duncan had an amused look as he nudged me to the side before putting a key into the keyhole on the door. Too excited, I impatiently bounced on my heels as I waited for him to unlock the door.

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