Chapter 3

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Alex’s PoV

That was one of the most stressful five hours of my life. The case dragge on and on. I wanted to cry so many times. I feel so drained and emotional. I don’t know how many of those cases I can take before I break in front of the media. Breaking down in front of the media was the one thing I can never do. I will be in big trouble if I do. I just don’t know how much will I have left in me to keep going with this. I think that soon I will not be able to take this. I plop down onto the couch. Addison and Austin sit down on the other couch.

“Let’s go out,” Addison says.

“Oh yeah, I’ll just hang out with two girls the whole night,” Austin replies sarcastically.

“Please,” I snap back. “I’ll just be the third wheel the whole night.”

That shut Austin up. “Please?” Addison breaks the uncomfortable silence.

“Where are we going to go?” I ask.

“I want to go to the beach!” Addison whines.

“No,” I say. “Plus, it’s like seven at night, and it’s getting kind of chilly if you ask me.”

“Look who’s being a Debby Downer,” Addison mumbles.

“What? No!” I exclaim. “Can’t we just get dinner or something?” I ask. I am really hungry to be truthful, and we couldn’t eat during the case.

“Wait! Where is Lou?” Austin asks, frantically.

“He’s with Harry and Niall,” I say. “Then he’s back with me tomorrow, and then he is going to spend the night with Zayn and Perrie,” Sometimes the others take Lou for a night because they are just so close to Lou ,and everyone always want to spend some time with Lou, which I don’t blame them. Everyone loves Lou so I decide to share him. That sounds a bit wrong, but I can't be selfish. These people helped me with Lou until I learned to take care of him on my own, which was quite a while.

“Then why not go out!” Austin exclaims. “You never don’t have Lou. Enjoy it for once.”

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “Fine, but I don’t want to be the third wheel at all,” I warn them. “Or I will leave.”

“Deal,” they say in union with matching smiles. I laugh and roll my eyes. Addison drags me upstairs to get ready with her. Since she is always here, half her wardrobe is already here. Addison is seriously always over here. I am happy for the two of them, that they are so happy to always be together. I just hope nothing happens to their relationship because they will both be so lost without their other half. The thought scares me. They are so alike that I worry their stubbornness over something so petty will end something so great. I shake the thought away.

Addison starts to tear apart my closet. “I think you should wear something sexy,” she tells me.

“Why?” I question. I mean I know why she would, but I could pick something out on my own. I want to know why she wants to pick my clothes out.

Addison shrugs.

“Answer my question.”

Addison sighs. “I don’t know. Maybe you could meet someone,” she shrugs.

“I don’t need to,” I tell her. I step next to her and search through my dress selection.

Addison steps in front of her. “May I remind you that I am your best friend and that your brother is your twin brother? We both know how you feel, and we want to make you happy, too,” Addison says.

“I’ll be fine, and I am happy without a guy in my life. I have plenty of them,” I say.

“Not like that. We want you to be in love, too!” Addison exclaims.

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