Chapter 16

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Niall’s PoV

Alex just stares at me. I shakily let a breath out. She opens her mouth slightly but doesn’t say anything. I bite my lip. I screwed everything up. I just screwed everything up. I knew she didn’t like me, but I had to kiss her. I just wanted to know what it felt like. It was a wrong move though. I can't believe I was stupid enough to do that. Alex only sees me as a father figure, and I feel like that is the deepest level of friendzone there is. There is a reason for that though, and I am supposed to be a father-like figure because we adopted her. We aren’t her legal guardians anymore since she is an adult now but still! This is an absolute disaster. I can't believe I did that.

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” I cover my face with my hands. I groan. “I am so stupid.”

I quickly stand and walk out of the room. I hear Alex yell my name, but I keep walking. God, she probably hates me. I walk out to my car and climb in quickly before anyone can see the tears running down my cheeks. I wipe them away and pull out my phone. I dial Maria’s number. I put the phone to my ear and wait for her answer.

“Hello?” her tired voice asks. Shit, I forgot that it’s late.

“I screwed up,” I feel the tears returning. “God, I’m so stupid! I can't believe myself.”

“Wait, Niall, slow down. What happened?” Maria sounds more awake.

“Can I come over?” I ask, sniffling a bit.

“Of course.”

And with that, I drove to Maria’s flat.

I knock on her door loudly. The door swings open, and a very tired looking Maria stands before me. Her blonde hair is very messy, and she has dark circles under her eyes. “Come in,” Maria steps aside. I walk inside her flat. It is very clean, like always. I slip my shoes off and follow Maria to the kitchen. I am still sniffling a bit, and I know my face is blotchy and red, no doubt my eyes are red. Maria hands me a cup of tea. We sit down in her sunroom.

“What’s going on?” Maria asks.

“I’m so stupid,” I groan.

“Just tell me what happened,” Maria exclaims, grumpy.

“I kissed Alex,” I say.

Maria sets her mug down. I wait patiently for her to scold me. “And?” she asks. I raise an eyebrow. “Then what happened?”

“She didn’t say anything so I left.”

“Niall,” Maria sighs, “don’t beat yourself up over this. You just have to give Alex some time. This is probably a shock to Alex so you have to be patient with her. Alex will think about what happened and what you said, and she will come to conclusions as to whether she likes you or not.”

“I just don’t want to lose her as a friend either,” I exclaim. “If Alex doesn’t like me more than a friend, then she won’t ever look at me the same.”

“Just give it time. Alex would be crazy not to like you,” Maria gives me a warm smile.

“Thanks,” I down the rest of my tea.

“No problem,” Maria puts our mugs in the sink. “And now, we go watch chick flicks because I said so!”

I groan but follow Maria to her living room.

Austin’s PoV (COMIC RELIEF! Kind of…)

I had to leave Alex alone in the hospital, which isn’t the smartest move, but she’s a big girl, she can handle herself. Maybe not, but there are other people in this family, and I’m sure Liam or Harry or Niall will be over to the hospital today. I have something important to do right now. I have to get my girlfriend back. I know that getting Addison back seems like a very minor conflict in our busy, problematic lives, but it is important to me. I’ve been dating Addison for two years now, and I’ve been an idiot for two years now. I took what we had for granted, and I said horrible things to Addison. Nevertheless, I know we can still work. We have to. I need Addison just as much as she needs me, and I’ve seen how she tries to be strong and act as if she doesn’t need me. I need her as much as she needs me, which is a whole lot.

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