Chapter 11

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Alex’s PoV

It is extremely windy outside. I knew this when I came in, but it has gotten much worse. Like my hair won’t stay still, and it is covering my face. I cannot. I just can't. It’s hard to hear everything around us as well. Not too many people are out, only the brave few. I think it will rain; storm would be a better word for that. “Where do you want to go?” I barely hear David over howling wind.

“Anywhere that isn’t outside,” I have to talk up to him. You see, David is very tall. He is probably 6 foot (I hate the metric system so don’t even correct me!). He might even be taller, and I, being the short human that I am, am only 5’2”. That’s a huge difference. I feel like an ant because every time David talks to me, he is looking down at me. He has grown a lot. Like, how is this even possible? He has always been a taller guy, but this is absurd.

“Let’s go in there,” David points to a small café. I nod and follow him over there. David opens the door for me, and I smile. I barely catch David’s as I walk in.

We walk up to the counter and order drink to sip on. Once they are ready, we sit at a table in the back. There are a couple other people in here, and by a couple I mean a couple, two other people. That’s what a couple means, and I think people something misuse it. A couple means two, not three or four, two! That was the dumbest mental argument. I deserve to be pushed down a flight of stairs or something. I just need to stop. Okay, I am officially done….Maybe.

“Do you talk to Bree or Kelly still?” David asks. I shake my head. “Me neither. Everything started going downhill after the whole Jacob thing.”

I open my mouth to apologize, but I can't say anything. They aren’t friends because of me. It’s things like this that make me feel horrible. I broke up a perfectly good group of friends. I did this. I cause so much drama in everyone’s life. Everyone tells me that I don’t, but I do. I really do. Something bad always happens to me, and then it affects everyone else. I am a magnet to bad luck, and that scares me. It is affecting my son, the people around me. It affects everyone in my life, and I hate that. I feel so bad for all those around me.

“Alex, are you okay?” David brings me back to reality.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say.

“You sure?” I nod. “Do you want to go back?”

“No, I’m good. I swear,” I assure him. “How’s school?” I decide to change the subject.

“Meh,” he tilts his head back and forth. His voice gets really high and child sounding when he says that. I can't stop the heavy laugh that leaves my mouth. “What?” He asks with a small, awkward laugh. This causes me to laugh again. I look up at David, and he is looking at me like I am an idiot, which causes me to laugh again. David just looks at me and plainly asks, “You okay there?”

I nod and try to bite back a smile. “Mhm,” I hum.

“What even caused you to laugh that hard?” David asks.

I smile again. “I don’t know just the way you said ‘meh’ was funny,” I realize how stupid that was. My face is also red now. Great! Note the sarcasm because that is not great. I am a huge blusher, and I hate it.

“You’re red as a tomato,” David bites his lip to try to not smile but ends up smiling anyway.

I put my head in my face. “I know,” I whine. “I blush all the time.”

David removes my hands from my face. “I think it’s cute,” I think my face may have gotten redder, but I’m not sure because all I can see and think about are David’s beautiful green eyes. They are so flipping green, like holy cow. David is still holding me. I pull my hands away.

“Do you still talk to Addison?” I ask David.

“Every once in a while,” David replies. “Isn’t she dating your brother?”

I nod. “To be honest, they are the most annoying couple,” I say.

David laughs at that. “Why?”

“Because they’re perfect for each other, and they hardly ever fight. It is the most bizarre thing!” I explain. “And I live with Austin so Addison is always there, and I have to put up with their cute couple nature all day long.”

David has his chin on the palm of his hand. “How terrible,” David replies sarcastically with a teasing smile.

My jaw drops. “Don’t sass me,” I exclaim. “Try living one day with them, and you’d understand. I can guarantee that you would get sick of them.”

“I’m sure I would,” David keeps the same smile.

“What is with smile?” I ask. “You’re not going to kidnap me or anything,” I think about that for a second. “Right?”

“No, I wouldn’t. I’m just amused that this many words actually comes out of your mouth,” David says.

“Oh yeah, that,” I glance off to a photo on the wall. “I don’t know. I kind of got out of my shyness.”

“I can see that,” David says. I glance back over to him. “Yeah, you couldn’t even look me in the eye before.”

“I know, I had social issues,” I throw my arms up in defense and laugh. David joins in.

“Social issues,” he repeats with a chuckle.

“I did,” I say.

“Oh no, we all knew. There was no secret,” David smiles behind his coffee.

This is a nice change. I can't remember the last time I was able to go somewhere with someone without body guard or being swarmed. It’s nice to be able to be around someone who is calm and relaxed. Addison, although I do love her to death, is always loud and in your face. The thing about Austin is that he can just be flat out annoying or too quite. I got out of my complete silence faze thing, and now I am a bit louder. I still am pretty quiet, but not Austin quiet. David is also pretty laid back. He wasn’t and still doesn’t seem like the type of person to get stressed over little things. I smile at this thought. This is a perfect change.


You know what word I hate? Fetus....I don't even know why. It just....bugs me.

There's your random Bella fact!

Sorry that I didn't update sooner and that this is so short:( I am having an overload in life. I have a lot of things going on at home, and it is stressing me out. Please forgive me!

This is also really short so sorry. i am having writers block!::((((

I also lost my voice yesterday....

Comment your thoughts because I loev reading them!

Lots of Love



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