Chapter 36

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I stayed up till like three in the morning listening to Four last night...


SUPER QUICK KINDA SHORT UPDATE IN HONOR OF FOUR! I had to clean my room and closet and drawers to be able to download it so shout out to my mom for finally letting me get Four!

I really love this next chapter idk I put a lot of effort into it (but I didn't proof read it cuz I never do...). It's probably my next favorite chapters I have written in a while so I hope you guys like it. I also kinda suck at updating lately so I wanted to give you guys a present(?) because you're all very patient with me and I love you all for it:)

Alex’s PoV

I wake up with light spilling through the unclosed curtains. I silently curse Niall for leaving them open. I attempt to sit up, but that is short lived when Niall’s body holds me down. I sink back into the bed and smile at the feeling. Even though Niall weighs more than enough to make him sleeping on top of my uncomfortable, I still love being close to him. I run my fingers through his thick hair. Niall’s hair seems to get darker and darker as he gets older. I do love his blonde hair, but the dirty blonde, almost brown, hair is really hot. I do love the idea of his hair brown, but I’m not going to tell him what to do with his hair. It’s Niall’s decision.

I am startled by a banging on the door. Niall slowly wakes up. He lifts himself off me tiredly so that I can go get the door. The minute I slip out from under him, Niall drops back on the bed. I check through the peep hole and see Liam and Louis. I mumble under my breath before opening the door halfway.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were coming back out?” Liam asks.

“No, more importantly: what the hell is going on with you and Niall? How does the whole world know that you two are,” he looks around to make sure no one is around before saying, “dating?”

“I don’t know,” I throw my arms in the air. “I didn’t say anything, and neither did Niall.”

“Can we come in?” Liam asks.

I step aside and flip on the lights. Niall groans loudly and buries himself in the pillows and blankets. I walk over to the bed and rip the covers off. “Get up,” I poke Niall’s bare side. Niall sits up and rubs his eyes. Louis and Liam close the door. He grabs his shirt from the side of the bed and pulls it on.

“Someone explain to me what happened last night,” Louis commands. I sit on the bed next to Niall, letting my feet hang off the edge of the bed. I cross my arms over my chest because I am not wearing a bra. (A/N: the struggle) I exchange looks with Niall. Neither of us knows what really happened. All I know is that someone leaked a picture of Niall and me kissing. Louis sighs. “Okay, Niall, tell me something about what happened.”

“I was with Maria, watching TV, when Alex called me and told me what happened,” Niall explains. “Then we talked about it, and now Alex is here.”

Louis turns to me. “How did you get here?” Louis asks.

“I flew,” I shrug.

“More details,” Louis requests. “Like, who gave you permission and helped you with your flight?”

“Rob,” I say. “I talked to him and he got me a flight at like midnight, and I got in around four. Well, two but the time zones are different so it was four here.”

Louis rubs the bridge of his nose as Liam fiddles with his hands. “How did the picture get leaked?” Liam asks.

“See, that’s what we don’t know,” Niall says. “I just appeared on twitter.”

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