Chapter 26

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So I was at Six Flags today with my friend Isabelle because it was bring a friend day, and holy hell it was packed! Like we had to wait ten minutes to get a drink or pee. So as we were walking around the park look for a line that wasn't two hours long, these girls were like giving me death stares. Like WTF did I do something to genuinely piss you all off? I'm sorry? Is it my presence? And then we literally waited an hour in line for this Batman ride, and as I made eye contact with people, they kept like eye killing me. I told my friend Isabelle, but she was too busy laughing to take actual concern. I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO MAKE THEM HATE ME! LIKE STAAHHHHPPPPP LOOKING AT MEEEEE! And that is Bella's Awkward Social Story of the Day

Oh I also went ice skating friday and normally I'm pretty good, but I totally wipped out onto my knees and now my knees are bruised:( And that is Bella's Awkward Social Stor(ies)y of the Day. Laugh at my struggles...I do

Niall’s PoV

I fix my hair in the mirror. I am beyond nervous. My hands are shaking slightly. I want this night to go smoothly. We just had a concert so I am kind of tired, but my energy levels went up drastically as I started to clean up for our date. Alex has been back at the hotel with Addison so I haven’t seen her, but I’m sure it’s very hectic since both girls are in the same room. They are crazy together. Amusing but loud. I am on the tour bus with Louis and Harry. We switch around sometimes. Louis also said that if I was going to go on this date with Alex, he wanted to interrogate me and see me off or something. I’m not going to lie, I’m scared. Well, I’m not scared, I’m just really nervous.

I take a breath and stop touching my hair. The more I mess with my hair, the worse it’s going to look. I walk out of the bathroom and out into the couch area. “Stop being nervous,” Harry immediately says.

“I’m not nervous,” I lie.

“Yes, you are,” Harry nods.

“Where are you taking Alex?” Louis asks. He has his arms crossed against his chest.

“Out to dinner,” I say as I sit.

“When are you leaving?” Louis asks.

“In like five minutes,” I answer quickly. Louis is actually making me more nervous.

“What are you intentions with my daughter?”

“Louis,” I whine.

Harry cuts in. “Lay off, Lou. He’s nervous enough,” Harry defends me.

“Break her heart, and I’ll break your face,” Louis stands to leave. “As cliché as that might be, I will do it.”

“I won’t intentionally,” I assure him.

“Aren’t you too old for her anyway? You’re nearly 23, and Alex is 18,” Louis questions. Am I too old for Alex?

“Louis, stop. It’s fine,” Harry insists. He gives me an apologetic look.

He leaves for the back of the bus. Harry gives me a small smile. “I guess I’ll leave now,” I stand up, uncomfortable.

“Good luck,” he gives me a quick pat on the back before following Louis to the back.

Alex’s PoV

“Stop,” I hit Addison repeatedly.

“Let me finish your eyeliner, and for God’s sake, stop moving!” She exclaims.

I huff and sit still. My phone goes off. It’s a text from Niall saying he is on his way over to pick me up. “Hurry up! Niall is on his way!” I yell at her.

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