Chapter 333

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Alex's PoV

I walk up the steps to my house as lightening cracks somewhere off in the distance. Austin trails behind me slowly, fumbling with his bag and mine. “I can carry my own bag,” I call behind me. Austin simply shrugs. I shove the key into the lock aimlessly. It takes a minute to get it into the lock because of how dark it is and the forceful wind keep blowing my hair into my face. I push the door open forcefully. I step inside, and the floor creaks. I sigh in content to finally be home. The house is really cold though. I walk over to the thermometer. It doesn’t turn on.

“Is the power out or something?” I ask, more to myself than Austin.

I look back and see Austin flipping the light up and down, but nothing comes on. “I guess,” Austin shrugs. “I’ll put our bags upstairs, and you go see if there is anything to eat,” Austin leaves before I give him an answer. I bump into a few things trying to get to the kitchen before I remember my phone. I turn my phones flash light. With a creak in the floor and the loud clap of thunder, I jump. I turn around to where the creak came from. Storms always put me on edge.

Another flash of lightening and the rain starts to pour. It bangs against the roof and gutters forcefully and all at once. I hear the wind hallow and push against the windows. I don’t like this. I quickly walk to the kitchen. There is bang from above me on the second floor. It sounds like something fell over, but Austin’s room is on the other side of the house. I freeze in my spot when I hear the floor press in behind me. I close my eyes and pray that this is just a dream. I turn around quickly, but nothing is there.

“I’m just scaring myself,” I shake my head and lightly laugh at myself.

I hear a deep laugh from inside the kitchen. No way in hell am I going in there. “Austin?” I call out. It has to be Austin playing a trick on me. Austin does this occasionally where he will try and scare the shit out of me. “Austin, cut it out,” I plead. I hear his laugh again. “Austin, I know it’s you. Stop it!”

“Know what’s me,” I hear Austin ask as he approaches from behind me.

I turn around, and I just want to cry. “Then who the hell is in the kitchen?” I cry.

I beam my flashlight into the kitchen. I flick around the room and come across a pair of black boots. I freeze in peril. I hear Austin suck in a breath. I slowly bring the light up to the man’s face. I nearly fainted. “Hello, Alexandra,” Collins laughs loudly with a demonic smile written across his face. I notice the knife at his side. “Miss me?” The pain, the memories, the terror, they all come flooding back and my head starts to spin. He takes slow steps towards us until he is nearly five feet away. “We’re going to have fun, now aren’t we?”

Austin grabs a metal box from off the table next to us and throws it at Collins. We turn and run towards the door as fast as we can. I hear Collins heavy boots bounding against the ground closely behind me. Opening the door slows us down, but we are still a step ahead of him. I can feel my heart practically beating out of my chest. I make it half way across our lawn before a sharp pain goes through my head. Collins grabs my hair and rips it back towards it him. He tackles me to the ground. Collins covers my mouth before I can scream to tell Austin that I’m not behind him. My body goes numb as Collins breathes down my neck.

“We’re going to have lots of—

Ha ha just kidding HAPPY HALLOWEEN:)

(I'll actually update tomorrow)

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