Chapter 30

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I am so brain dead. I literally just finished a bio test and I feel brain dead and so exhausted. I stayed up so late studying and drinking coffee trying to stay awake. LORD HELP MEEEHHHH!!!!! 


and I'M AT 700K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 ABORT! ABORT! AHHHHHHHHHH

Children....this is what happens when I drink coffee so I apologize because wow I'm loopy. #waiting till I crash and fall asleep in my next class

I'm literally still in teacher is like watching me type furiously

Alex’s PoV

I sit and watch Austin pace back and forth. He’s been pacing for about five minutes now. Austin is so moody. He must be on his man period because he is literally bipolar. I don’t understand what is going on, but it can’t be good. It makes me dizzy just watching him walk a rut into the carpet. He doesn’t make sense. Austin is such a guy sometimes in the sense that he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings because it would make him appear girly. Well, guys are allowed to be emotional! It’s the stupid stereo types that cause guys to feel insecure about their emotions. Everyone is always saying, “Stop being a girl and man up.” Any man who is too insecure to show who they really are and their real emotions is not a ‘real man’. They are allowed to be expressive without being call a girl.

“You’re allowed to tell me what’s wrong,” I tell Austin. This is the first thing I’ve said since Austin came in here and started pacing.

Austin shakes his head and keeps his head down.

“Austin, this is absurd. You have been pacing back and forth for like five minutes, and not only that but you have been really upset about something for the past few days, and I wanted to make a vlog, but you were too busy pouting and stomping your feet like a three year old,” I tell him.

“I am not acting like I’m three. You of all people should know how a three year old acts,” Austin rolls his eyes.

I am taken back by his answer. “Ouch,” I am offended.

“Sorry,” Austin mumbles.

I stand up and grab Austin’s arm to stop him. “Want to tell me what’s going on?” I ask again.

“No,” Austin shakes his head. I can see the tears forming in his eyes. What the hell is going on? “I can't,” his voice breaks at the end. Austin looks at the ground and rubs his eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I rub his arm.

“Please stop,” I can see the tear rolling down Austin’s cheek as he turns away from me.

“Austin, how many times have I tried that line and failed?” I ask. Austin sighs. “Please. I will not rest until you talk to me. You have me all worried. I hate to guilt trip you, but I am going to. I am getting restless worry about you. I can honestly feel your pain right now. I feel the ache in my heart that you have. Please, tell me what is going.”

“I just…I don’t know,” Austin shrugs. I pull Austin down to sit down on the hotel bed.

“Yes you do,” I nudge him. “You’ll have to tell me eventually.”

“I think Addison might be cheating on me,” Austin chokes on his words and starts coughing as his sobs cause him to shake. I am left speechless. Addison? She…no. She wouldn’t. Addison is in love with Austin. She wouldn’t. She could never. They are too good to each other and with each other. She wouldn’t. Addison isn’t that type of person. I never ever thought she would.

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