Chapter 22

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So today I was getting school supplies at target becuase I have sophmore orientation tomorrow and like eww no. But so just a side note, I am on my period and so stressed from studying chinese characters and reading four books in nine days like no. So I was in target and I'm freaking out because they barely have any school stuff left. I couldn't find a three subject notebook or one more binder that was a different color from the rest and I really felt like I was going to cry. Then, my mom said I could get a new backpack but they didn't have any new ones that were pretty so I kind of maybe cried just a little bit and my mom laughed and the two really cute boys that were by me I think noticed. I was so humiliated. And that is Bella's awkward social story of the day...

Alex’s PoV

Here I am, another day watching Jacob’s sorry ass get defended and attacked. I wish I could personally give the verdict, but that isn’t my job. I want to go and see Lou. I miss him so much. Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Perrie are staying with Lou to keep him company, and Eleanor, Louis and Austin have been with me at the courthouse. I have to give my testimony, and then I am done speaking in front of people, at least until Collins court hearing. I just have to be here to hear to verdict, and no one knows when that will be.

I am called to the stand and give my story of what happened that night two years ago. It is painful to tell. I feel like I am reliving it. By the time I finish retelling my nightmare that came true, I exit the stand and go sit down next to Austin. He gives my hand a squeeze. They go over evidence, and I tune everyone’s voices out.

My head starts hurting from just being here. I want to go home. I just want to see my baby. There isn’t a thing in the world that I want more than to have him in my arms. Lou is my flesh and bones. I brought him into this world. He is my baby boy. I love Lou. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to see him in a crucial time like this?

I feel my phone start buzzing in my pocket. I ignore the call. I can't answer it while I’m in here. Once it stops, I pull my phone out and see that Harry has called. I put my phone back. What the hell would he want? My phone starts ringing again. It is Harry. I excuse myself and quickly walk out of the courtroom. The ringing ends by the time I get out of the room. I call Harry back, but his line is busy. I wait a second, and Harry is calling again. I answer, slightly annoyed.

“What?” I hiss.

“Alex,” Harry chokes.

“I’m at the courthouse. What could you possibly need?” I snap. I don’t want to be at the courthouse, but I really shouldn’t be out of the room.

“You need to come down to the hospital now. Lou is having a stroke,” Harry says. My mind goes blank and into autopilot as I walk out of the courthouse and into my car. What? I am still trying to wrap my head around all of this. Lou had a stroke? How—why—what? I don’t know what question I should ask, and I don’t think I even need to ask questions. My head is so twisted. I can't think straight. Lou is having a stroke? I feel tears burn down my cheeks. My vision is blurry. Suddenly my vision goes black, and I hear the sound of crunching metal.

I pry my eyes open. I’m staring at my steering and a deflated airbag. I sit up and feel my forehead, it hurts so much. I look at my hand. My fingers are covered in blood. “Miss, are you alright?” There is a woman, who looks to be about in her late thirties, standing next to my car. She has on scrubs. “Miss, are you okay?” she asks again.

“I’m fine,” I tell her.

“Let me help you to the hospital,” The woman says.

“I don’t know who you are. I’m not getting in your car,” I exclaim.

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