Chapter 15

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Alex’s PoV

“I have news on your son,” Doctor Schneider says.

“Yes?” I ask. I knew it couldn’t be good. His face shows just how terrible this news can be. I try to desperately swallow the growing lump in my throat, but it just keeps growing.

“Lou’s cancer turned to stage three,” I gasp. “I’m sorry, but that isn’t the worst of the news.”

Tears start to well up in my eyes. Doctor Schneider continues, “His stitches broke inside his stomach so we had to immediately start surgery to close it back up to keep it from continuing to bleed, which is why he was throwing up blood. As we were performing surgery Louis started to have a seizer and is in a coma as of right now. The only way we can keep him alive is by keeping him on a Ventilator. We are doing everything we can, Ms. Tomlinson; I can assure you of that.”

“Does this take any toll to his—” I swallow, “life expectancy?”

He doesn’t answer at first. He seems conflicted as whether or not to answer that question. “Alexandra, I think you are a very sweet, innocent girl, and I hate to say this, but we don’t expect Lou to live much longer,” he keeps a neutral face.

“How much longer do you think it will be?” I ask in a quiet voice.

Doctor Schneider takes a breath. “Anywhere from a week to a month,” I feel like I am going to throw up. I didn’t expect it to be that soon. “Louis would need a miracle to make it through this.”

I don’t even bother to speak. What’s the point? That’s such a broad amount of time. I have anywhere from seven days to thirty days. I can't even wrap my head around this. I can't make it without Lou. He is my glue. I never really gave any thought to Lou passing away. I can't bear to think of Lou not in my life. Lou is my sunshine. Lou is my reason to get out of bed in the morning. Lou helped me find happiness again. He is the reason I am not a broken girl anymore, and now I won’t be able to tell him these stories of how he saved me when he grows up because he won’t ever grow up. Most parents never want their kids to grow up, but right now, I really want Lou to be able to grow up and have a life.

“I’m so sorry,” I think Dr. Schneider said, but I wanted to tune everything out because I am going to cry if I hear another word of this. The ground starts to feel as if it is moving, like I’m spinning. That’s when black spots start appearing in my vision. The black dots grow and grow until they take up all of my vision and my body goes numb.

I blacked out.

I wake up in that stupid, uncomfortable, hospital chair. I groan as I sit up a bit taller. I open my eyes, and Austin is right in front of me. “Are you okay?” Austin blurts out. I frown at him. Do I look okay to you? I think to myself. I just found out my son is going to die sometime between now and the end of the month! I am not okay! Austin still waits for me to answer.

“No, no I am not okay! Do you think I would be okay?” I shout. Everyone jumps a bit at the loudness of my voice.

“I meant from just having fainted, you dummy,” Austin snaps. I narrow my eyes at him. He does the same to me. “Don’t be like this,” Austin whispers.

I avert my eyes from him. “It’s hard not to be,” I mutter.

Austin sits next to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and nuzzles his head into my neck. I rest my head against his. “I’m always here for you,” Austin tells me. I can't find it in me to smile, but my heart does.

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