Chapter 4

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Also i just wanted to say something. If there are any opinions in here or the other story that have offended you, then i am sorry. I did offende someone in the last story and i feel really bad that i did. Just remember that it is the opinion of Alex or made up opinions of the boys! i hope you can forgive me for anything that has hurt your feelings that i have written.

sorry for the late update. I just couldnt find a good spot to end it at!

Picture of Lou on the side:)

Alex’s PoV

I wake up with a headache, not from drinking a lot but from lack of sleep. I really didn’t drink a lot at all. I remember that Lou is coming back home today. Its ten o’clock and I have to pick him up at noon. I roll over to my side and let out a deep breath. Today is going to be a long day. I kick my covers off and walk over to my closet. I want—no—need a change. I feel like I’m in a rut. I am always doing the same thing over and over. Why can't I get something new? I guess going on a date with David is a change, but it’s not my fist priority. It’s also a few days away. That’s two interviews, one performance, two concerts to go to, a day without my son, one photo shoot, and three days living the same thing over and over. I guess there is a lot of change in my life, but sometimes, it gets old. Like right now, I really want nothing more than to disappear for the day.

I kick my covers off of me and literally roll out of bed and onto the ground. I groan. I didn’t mean to roll onto the ground. I stand up and groan again. That really hurt, and now I really want to go lie back down. I resist the urge and go to my bathroom. I turn the water on a pull off my clothes. I wait till the water is warm and step into the shower.

I guess I don’t do the same thing every day. Sometimes I just get in these moods where nothing seems to be good enough. I can’t see anything but the troubles when, really, everything is amazing in my life. I have an amazing family, I have an amazing job, and I have amazing fans. What more could I ask for? So I guess I never really explained what I do. So I am a singer/model/public speaker. So I did have stage fright, but the boys made me sing in front of a group of people. From there I only got more and more comfortable with singing in front of other people. I model for 10 Model Management in London. I love it there. I do that regularly. I public speak at many different places. I mostly talk about my experience in life and how it made me who I am and things like that. Simon had originally recommended it, and I thought it was the dumbest idea. He made me do though, and when I spoke for the first time, I was having such a great time. It felt good to know these girls and some boys look up to me. I felt like I was really making an impact so I kept going with it. I definitely love everything I do, and I have fun while doing it.

I step carefully out of the shower, careful not to fall. I trip a lot, especially when I am tired, and it always hurts when I do. I wrap a towel tightly around me and use another to towel dry my hair. I wrap my hair in the extra towel, and I head out of the bathroom and to my closet. I hum the tune of my new song “Behind the Music” as I pull out an outfit for the day. I dry off a bit more before taking my hair out of the towel and getting dressed. I turn on some music as I dry my hair even though I can barely hear the music itself. I curl my hair once it is all the way dried. I finish up with my makeup, which doesn’t take long since I do basically the same thing with my makeup every day.

I run down the steps, realizing how hungry I am. Austin is up eating cereal like a zombie. I nearly laugh at how funny he looks. “What?” Austin groans when he sees me, probably noticing how amused I am.

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