Chapter 18

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Thank you for all your love and support on the last chapter. It means so much to me all the things you said. I think I resonded to all of you guys who commented so I think you guys already know how I feel on that topic. Love ya:)

Niall’s PoV

I walk slowly behind Maria. She really wanted to come to the hospital with me so that she could meet Alex after the weeks of me supposedly talking about her. Okay, I may talk about Alex a bit, but not as much as Maria stresses that I do. “Niall, you need to walk either ahead of me or next to me because I don’t know where I am going,” Maria says for the third time. I sigh and walk a bit faster. I’m just nervous, super nervous. I haven’t seen Alex since I’ve kissed her. What if she wants me to come so she can yell at me for doing that? Alex doesn’t really yell so I doubt that, but it’s still a possibility.

“Stop being so nervous,” Maria puts a lot of exaggeration on the ends of her words to be more dramatic.

“You would be if you were in my position,” I groan.

I take a deep breath. I can do this. It’ll be like all the other years Alex has talked to me. Only this time I made a fatal mistake that has put tension between us. Maybe Alex does feel the same way. I never gave her time to really think about her feelings. Maybe she’s thought about it, and maybe she likes me back. That’s all in my dreams though. I am four and several months older than Alex. Maybe she wants to date David. He is her age, and she seems to like him a lot. They are dating. Did I cross the line when I kissed Alex? Oh no. I don’t want Alex to hate me because I kissed her while she is in a relationship.

“What?” Maria asks as we walk into the hospital. She must have noticed the fearful look on my face. I cover my face with my hands.

“I don’t think I can go in there!” I exclaim.

“Niall,” Maria sighs, “Alex likes you. It is so freaking obvious. Now whether or not you believe me is up to you, but Alex wants you here. She needs you right now so put your insecurities and worries aside so that you can be here for her. Got it?”

I nod.

“Okay good. Now, what room is Alex in so that you can be there for her,” Maria asks.

I give her the room number, and she drags me down the halls to the room. I knock on the door before walking in. Alex immediately shushes us. She gives me a smile before her eyes go towards the door. I look back at Maria and then back to Alex. Alex looks uncomfortable, and Maria looks chirpy, as always.

“Hi,” Alex says slowly.

“Hi, I’m Maria,” Maria walks over to the bed and shakes Alex’s hand; Alex isn’t so willing to the hand shake.

“Alex,” Alex says quietly. Lou is lying with his back to us. I think he is asleep. “Uh, this is Lou, but he is sleeping.”

“I freaking love Lou. He is so cute and sweet,” Maria rambles on.

Alex blushes. “Thanks,” she rubs Lou’s back.

“You make cute children,” Maria giggles. I see the evil in her eyes. Oh God please no. “I bet you and Niall would make an absolutely adorable child.”

Alex chokes on her spit and goes red as a fire truck. I bet I look the same though. “Maria, you can't say things like that,” I say in a hushed voice.

“I’m just messing with you two,” Maria sits in a chair. “But you are both so red in the face that it proves you two like each other. I win!”

“That doesn’t prove anything. It proves that we are both awkward especially with the conversation of sex. I win,” Alex says.

“I’m not awkward when it comes to the conversation of sex,” I gasp.

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