Chapter 5

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OMG! there is this story that I have been reading called "Story of My Life" by whiteduffy so go read it! After you read this chapter of course haha that would be silly to not! ;) I really like the story and I think you will too. I think that it has a really good title for the story, too. Ha ha I really need to go lie down! So go follow whiteduffy and read her stories! DO IT! PEER PRESSURE!!!!!!;)


I'm almost to three hundred followers! Let's see if you guys can get me there maybe? 300th follower gets a shoutout on my next chapter!!!!:)

I have literally been writing this chapter all say, and you should feel lucky because this is my snow day! Well, I hope you like this chapter.

Picture of Alex on the side. I guess it was time to do that....haha

Alex’s PoV

I feel like there is a heavy weight on my shoulders. The minute the words left the doctors mouth, I couldn’t move. I was frozen. I need to get air because I can't breathe. I feel as if the weight of the world has been put back on my shoulders. I feel like I go on and off with this feeling, but this is the worst of the feeling yet. I literally can't even believe this. I just want this to be a dream, but I won’t fool myself into believing such things. This is worse than any nightmare. This is affecting my flesh and blood, and therefore, I want to cry and break down like every time something bad happens. I can't ever seem to find it in me to fight back. That’s just how I am. I’m not a violent person.

The doctor’s words bounce through my head. ‘Louis has Gastric Cancer.’ A shaky breath passes my lips. I close my eyes, but the tears still managed to slip out of my eyes. My bottom lip quivers vigorously. As a sob bursts out of my mouth, Liam pulls me into his chest. I cling to his shirt as the full and real weight hits me. Before, it was a small pressure to which it made it hard to breathe. Now, it’s like a bolder fell on me. In school, I learned about different types of cancers in school, and I am familiar with them. Gastric cancer is stomach cancer, and it isn’t good if it’s spread. God, I hope it hasn’t spread. Too many people die from it yearly if it is in an advanced stage. It isn’t usually found until it is in an advanced stage because the symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses.

Liam strokes my back and kisses the top of my head. I wipe my eyes and pull out of Liam’s chest. “Shall I continue?” Doctor Schneider asks.

I nod and wipe my eyes again.

“So Louis has Stomach Cancer, as I said. We need to do a test to see exactly how advanced it is. It is called Barium Swallow. We will have to keep Louis here for a while because in order for this test to work, Louis has to have not eaten for six hours,” Doctor Schneider continues. “Louis will have to swallow some barium the will coat his stomach and esophagus. Then we will take a serious of x-rays, more advanced than this one. It will confirm all doubt about the cancer and how advanced the cancer is.”

I nod slowly.

“When was the last time Louis drank or ate anything?”

“L-last n-night,” I say. My voice is clearly shaky from crying and also how nervous I am. “H-he wouldn’t e-eat a-anything.”

“We will have to have you stay here for a couple of more hours before we can do the test,” Doctor Schneider. I want to punch the doctor in the throat. I can't wait two hours before I find out how bad his cancer is. It’s bad enough that I have to find out that my son has cancer, and now I have to wait to find out how bad the cancer is. Tears make their way to my eyes again, not that I really stopped crying, and I am crying harder than before. I think the doctor said something else, but I was crying too hard to listen or care.

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