Chapter 34

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Did you guys like that last chapter? *wiggles eyebrows with a smirk* It was halloween and I was feeling evil so you know why not. Plus I can do what I want so I did.

Okay, so if you don't know who Alex from target is then I have no words for you because you live under a rock. Even my stepmom knows who he is so join instagram or twitter or tumblr. THERE ARE EVEN FANFICS ABOUT IT! But yeah he's hot. I'd bang him. *suggestively smiles*

I have to study but for some reason I updated so....Pray that I don't fail lol

Alex’s PoV

I push open the door to my apartment. It’s dark and quiet. I flip the front room’s lights on. Austin pushes past me and sets his suitcase down. “This is weird,” Austin admits. I nod in agreement. We were on tour for nearly three months, and being home, where it’s quiet, seems odd. I love home though.

“I’m going to go put my stuff away,” I say quietly to Austin. He nods and does the same as me. I walk up the wooden steps to the second floor. I push my door open and find my perfectly neat, perfectly still room. I set my suitcase down. I jump onto my bed and land flat on my back into the comfy mattress and sheets. My room smells like me. I love the feeling of privacy. I love how my room smells like me. I feel this genuine happiness rise in my chest and come out of my body as giggles.

I sit up when I realize something. “We don’t have food,” I say out loud to myself. I get up and walk over to the door. I open it and yell, “Austin!”

“What?” I hear him yell from down the hall.

“We don’t have food,” I yell back.

I look down the hall in time to see a confused Austin pop out of his doorway. “We literally got home five minutes ago, and you’re already thinking about food? Who are you? Go away,” Austin shuts his door. I frown.

I pull my phone out. I call Addison, knowing she is probably coming over already. She picks up on the third ring. “Hey, Alex!” She exclaims. “I heard your back home!”

“Are you already coming over to hang out with Austin?” I ask with a sad tone in my voice. I have to guilt her into hanging out with me. That’s kind of how Austin and I play this game. We both try to make Addison feel worse for one of us, and she hangs out with one of us. Usually we have a fine time sharing her, but there are times when it becomes an issue.

“No, actually,” she says. I feel my whole mood brighten. “He called, but I told him that I already promised you that I would hang out with you.”

“Oh, is that why he’s mad at me?” I laugh.

“Oh oops. Sorry, Alex,” Addison laughs.

“Whatever he can have you another time,” I say.

“I’ll be over soon. I was about to call you to tell you I was coming over.”

“Bring me food!” I exclaim. “Wait! No, we can go get food together. Fieldtrip to the grocery store!”  I yell.

“Weirdo,” Addison mumbles. “Okay, I’ll leave now and then we can go on our…field trip.”

“Until then,” I smile.

“Bye, you loser,” I can picture Addison rolling her eyes. I laugh at the picture.

“Bye,” I laugh before hanging up.

I keep my phone with me and go downstairs. I might as well see if we have anything to eat. We left early this morning, and I wasn’t hungry then, but after the long flight, I am hungry. I open the pantry. Before we left for tour, we had to clear out anything that could expire, and then when we get back from tour, our grocer has food ready for us. Since Austin and I left rather abruptly, we don’t have food, and we can't order food from our grocer because it takes at least a day to get it. We could get fast food, but I have trained myself to not like it to prevent myself from eating it. My image is everything in the eyes of the media, and any negative features, like stomach fat, get put in the spotlight. I hate it so much because I hate working out and I hate eating healthy all the time. It is nice to be healthy and feel good about myself, but it’s just annoying sometimes. The one thing I refuse to so is cut back on meals. I cannot, and I will not. Eating enough everyday is very important. I am blessed to always have food on my plate so why waste it?

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