Chapter 14

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Sorry, again, for the late update:(

Alex’s PoV

I let out a loud squeal along with Eleanor. The other lads were congratulating the two love birds. Perrie is grinning from ear to ear, and Zayn has a look of admiration as he watches how excited Perrie is. I am so excited for them. They will love having a child. Their kid will just bring them that much closer together, and they will love them to death. I am so happy for them. So happy for them. They deserve the best because they are perfect for each other and hardly fight. We all gave the two of them hugs and congratulations.

“Question,” Austin speaks up. We all turn and look at him. “So to Alex and I, would your kid be our sibling or our niece or nephew?”

We are all at a loss for words at them. “Uhh,” I laugh awkwardly.

“Your niece or nephew?” Liam questions.

“Because technically we aren’t your legal guardians anymore since you both are adults now,” Louis says, not 100% sure.

“Niece or Nephew because Lou will be older than him or her, and that would be weird if they were his aunt or uncle,” Perrie says.

“I agree,” Zayn kisses Perrie’s cheek.

“How long have you guys known for?” Louis asks.

“A week now. We wanted to wait till we were all together to tell you guys.”

We nod in understanding. I didn’t really tell anyone I was pregnant until a month after, but my situation was different then theirs. Their kid will have two parents, and Perrie has Zayn during the stress, and her pregnancy is celebrated, mine wasn’t. But, nevertheless, I am happy for them. They will be amazing parents.

“Lou,” Perrie squeals. Lou climbs down from his chair and runs over to Perrie. Perrie picks Lou up with a smile on her face. “Guess what?”

“What?” Lou asks.

“I’m going to have a baby,” Perrie kisses his cheek.

“Where is it?” Lou asks.

“In my belly,” Perrie explains.

“Did you eat it?” Lou gasps.

“No of course not,” Perrie laughs.

“Good. You no eat babies.”

“I won’t,” Perrie giggles. You can see how happy she is, and Zayn is just admiring Perrie. They are both so happy.

I sit in Eleanor and Louis’s room with Perrie and Eleanor. I have Lou in my lap. We are discussing Perrie being pregnant. She is so happy, and she has been talking about it for thirty minutes now. Not that I mind her talking about it. I love seeing her so excited.

“—like I want a girl, but I don’t know. I would love to have a boy,” Perrie finish her argument on which gender she wants.

My phone starts ringing really loud. I blush and pull it out. “Who is it?” Perrie asks.

“Is it David?” Eleanor snickers. I glance down at the caller ID and frown when she is correct. “Is it?” Eleanor exclaims.

“Who’s David? I know he is like Alex’s boyfriend, but I just…I don’t know. This was a dumb question,” Perrie trails off.

“I will be right back,” I say.

“No stay,” Eleanor grins.

I sigh and answer my phone. “Hello?”

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