Chapter 38

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Exams will literally be the death of me. My chinese exam starts next thurseday and the rest the following week like OMFG I AM NOT READY FOR THIS!!!!!!

That photo is me every time I have a test or exam or anything school related like homework and whatnot

Omg but the wattpad new layout looks weird I don't like it. I can't just mouse over the bar get the options by the profile thing to show up and idk it frustrates me more than anything and the bar is so bulky like I DO NOT LIKE IT AND YOU CANNOT MAKE ME LIKE IT. I JUST CAN'T, OKAY?! it's just weird

Alex’s PoV

As soon as I gain consciousness, I feel the heavy, deep pain. It takes me a minute to open my eyes. The bright lights bouncing off the white walls are too much when I first try to open them. My neck feels stiff as I look around, what I assume is, the hospital room. I find the button near my bed to signal I need the nurses. It takes a minute, but a nurse comes into the empty room. She gives me more morphine and asks me how I am feeling. I answer some questions about my pain before another nurse comes in with some water.

Once I am fully awake, I start to realize what is going on. I am in the hospital because I got hurt. What happened though? I look over my body. I notice my elevated leg in a cast. How did I miss that before? “Your doctor will be right with you,” the nurse assures me.

I nod slowly. I look at my left arm and notice the bruises along it.

“Hello, Alexandra,” the doctor walks into the room. “How are you? Glad to see you’re finally awake. I’m Doctor Lawler.”

“Was I unconscious a while?” I ask, confused.

 “About two weeks,” he confirms.

“Oh my god,” I rub my eyes. I can feel the puffiness in my lips, cheeks and along my jaw. “What happened?”

“You were in a car accident,” Doctor Lawler explains. He goes on to explain how I near death and had entered a coma because of the internal bleeding I had. It’s scary to listen to, but I still don’t understand how I thought it was four months later than the current date. “I was told you were unconscious when you were found. Your car was found along an unpopular road. You were predicted to have crashed and been there between four and six hours until you were found. You’re very lucky to be alive.”

“Oh…wow,” I am shocked. Did I imagine those four months while I was in that coma? Is that even possible? I’ve never heard of that happening. Maybe it is. Is my family here? “My family?” I ask, hopeful I’ll be able to see them soon.

“You can see them soon, but first we need to check how the internal bleeding is, if it’s completely stopped,” Doctor Lawler assures me. I want to groan, but I know it’s for my own good. I mean, I should have died, but the doctors and nurses strived to keep me alive. I am grateful that I am alive.

The nurse takes my blood pressure as I wait in anticipation to be able to see the boys and Austin and whoever else is here. I have so many questions, but I want to see my family before I ask them.

After ten minutes or so, the nurses finally finish up. “We will notify your family that they can come see you now,” the nurse smiles at me.

I nod and thank her. I don’t know how bad I look, but I probably don’t look good. I bet I look better than after the wreck, but I can even feel the puffiness in my face and see the bruises covering my body. They look like they’re fading, but they’re very much visible.

“Wait, nurse,” I stop her.

“Yes?” she asks at the doorway.

“What is the date?”

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