Chapter 13

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Well this is way over-due....oops

fav larry stylinson pic on the side!:D

Alex's PoV

Today is the day! Lou is being released from the hospital for two days before his chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I am so excited to be with Lou outside of the hospital. I get so stressed whenever I leave so this is the best thing ever. I just have to sign some papers, and then I get to take Lou home. It is amazing. It has felt like forever since Lou was home. This is amazing. I am so happy. I am 100% happy, and it is an amazing feeling. We can't do too much because Lou is getting weaker, and he has to constantly eat. I don't care as long as we get to do something.

I like pie and Oreos

Thanks Maria...

(Maria and I were goofing around while I was writing this and I wanted to keep it:))


I want to do something special because I only have two days. Two! That is barely anything especially since time seems to be slipping from my fingers by the seconds. I can't deal with it. The fact that I know time is running out scares me. What if Lou won't make it? The odds aren't in his favor, and he is just a kid. Can he even fight that much? I do not doubt the fact that Lou is a fighter, but cancer is a huge battle, too big for a two year old. I want Lou to live because he is my son, and I love him. So back to what I want to do... I want to do something fun instead of sitting inside the house. That isn't fun, and I know that Lou doesn't have as much fun locked inside like we always are. I want to do something public, but that is always hard because I get noticed everywhere I go. It's sometimes fun, but sometimes it is a pain. I don't mind talking to fans, but sometimes I have things to do that can't get done while swarmed.

I finish signing Lou's release forms. Doctor Schneider waits for me to finish. I hand him the papers. He hands me a sheet. "Here is a schedule for when Lou should eat. I know it must be a bit confusing, but this should help," he says. I look over the sheet. This will be helpful.

"Thank you so much," I look up at Doctor Schneider.

"It's my job," he shrugs.

Lou tugs on the ends of my shorts. "We go now?" Lou asks, impatiently.

"One minute, baby, and then we will leave, okay?" I ask. Lou nods before sitting next to my feet. I shake my head with a smile before picking him up.

"I would be careful of Lou's stitches. They will be taken out when we see him next, alright?" I nod. "Good, then I will see you two soon."

"Bye. Thank you," I smile.

Addison waits a few steps behind me. I follow her out of the building. "What do you plan to do today?" Addison asks.

"I don't know what I want to do," I say. "I want to take Lou somewhere fun, but it's so hard to, especially now since the media spotlight is back on me again."

"You can take him to the park," Addison suggests.

"He can't really run around," I tell her.

Addison purses her lips. She opens her mouth but then quickly shuts it. I don't know what to do. Lou can't run around, he can't do anything physical, Lou can't really do anything! It's a bummer for him because I don't want Lou to be stuck inside all day. But he will be. Lou will be forced to do nothing all day if I can't think of something fun to do! Ugh. I think the word 'ugh' can really describe me at this point. Something will happen, and I'm just like 'ugh'. It happens all day long in my life, and it sucks.

I unlock my car and open the back door. I buckle Lou into his car seat. "Mommy, we go see Uncle Louis?" Lou asks.

"We can, but we will see everyone else," I tell him. I close his door. Addison climbs into the passenger seat.

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