Chapter 9

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Sorry that it has taken me so freaking long to update. I made the JV lacrosse team for my school, and I have literally no free time. But now, I am on Spring Break so I got to finish updating! It's a bt shorter than what I usually write and kind of uneventful as regards to what you already know. uhmmm...yeah....

Dedication to _my_hidden_story_ who has been hardcore shipping NALEX since the beginning of story of my life. you have brought many smiles to my face.


Alex’s PoV

“Thisis what we are going to do.”

“You’re going to go to an interview and release this to the public, and you’re going to do it exactly as we say.”

“You will be in a public interview. You will answer a few questions, and then the interviewer will ask about Lou. You will have to look sad and answer that he has cancer. The interviewer will ask if Lou will be okay. You have to tell her that you don’t know. Simple as that.”

No, not as simple as that. It’s a hard subject, and these idiots don’t understand that. It’s hard to talk about it. It’s hard to think about it. I am supposed to go do this interview and tell the world about Lou’s condition. I mean, people are suspecting something. There are pictures of me at the hospital. People have been blowing up my twitter asking if I am pregnant again, which I’m not! Snoopy reporters have put out articles on me possibly being pregnant. In case they haven’t realized, I don’t even have a boyfriend or ever really hang out with the male species. Louis and Harry started freaking out because they both thought that I was pregnant again. I don’t know why they really thought that because I would have told probably Eleanor, and Eleanor has trouble keeping things from Louis nowadays. I have put out a tweet that I am in fact not pregnant, and then people started making up other theories. I didn’t bother to read them because there were so many.



“I can’t do this!” I exclaim. I try to turn and run, but Niall and Liam catch me before I can.

“Yes you can,” Liam assures me. I can see the doubt in his eyes. We all know that I am not getting through this without either a) breaking down into an uncontrollable emotion or b) shutting down. That is pretty much my life right now. There isn’t much of an in between. I have been working so hard on not shutting down right now. Trust me, it’s hard, but since I haven’t been shutting down, I have been snapping at people.

In case you are wondering what is going on, I am currently pacing a rut into the floor outside the backstage to where I will be interviewed in a few minutes from now. I am trying so hard to keep from biting my nails down. I am not worried about the interview itself, mostly just getting emotional. I am not scared to tell the world that Lou has cancer. I am just worried of my reaction to myself admitting this. I rub my sweaty hands on my shorts.

“Calm down. You are going to give yourself a panic attack,” Niall tells me. He rubs the sides of my arms.

“I can't calm down!” I yell.

“Take a few breaths. You can't go into the interview like this,” Liam adds.

“Ugh, look who showed up,” Niall mutters. I look over into the direction he is looking in. I groan as well. Harry and Rebecca. Well, I like Harry, of course, but I don’t like Rebecca. There’s just something off about her. I know that they were put together by their management, but she just bugs me. Whenever a camera isn’t on her, Rebecca just isn’t how she is on camera. On camera, I can act like I really like Rebecca’s presence, and Rebecca can act like she like me. She is much nicer on camera.

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